Stepfather 2
Stepfather 2
R | 03 November 1989 (USA)
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"Stepfather" Jerry Blake escapes an insane asylum and winds up in another town, this time impersonating a marriage counselor. With a future wife and new stepson who love him, Blake eliminates anyone who stands in his way to building the perfect family.

CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Platypuschow The Stepfather (1987) was an enjoyable thriller telling the story of an unhinged man who joins family's, devotes himself to them but does whatever it takes to keep the family together and living by his rules.Lost star Terry O'Quinn was fantastic and I'd only just discovered that sequels were spawned.Following our antagonist as he breaks from an asylum and attaches himself to another single mother.Once again O'Quinn is great, as is the always enchanting Meg Foster and the late Jonathan Brandis.Stepfather II does not match its predecessor but is still watchable. You'll know everything that's going to happen, but that's okay.The Good: Terry O'Quinn Meg Foster Direct sequel The Bad: PredictableShadowed by the superior first movie Things I Learnt From This Movie:Even psychos appreciate the snaps, crackles and pops
moonspinner55 Abysmal follow-up to 1987's critically-acclaimed sleeper hit (with a title which might be read as "Stepfather Eleven" if one is not too careful) has Terry O'Quinn's serial "family killer" escaping from the loony-bin and setting up shop in Southern California under the guise of a home therapist. As written by John Auerbach, this cool-and-cruel, potentially magnetic character has uncomfortably taken on some Freddy Krueger-like characteristics, tossing off dark-humored quips while dispatching the suspicious. O'Quinn plays the part like a warped variation of Pat Boone (he even sounds like Boone!)--yet, without a taut script, he is stranded in a juiceless suburban rut. The opening moments at the Pugent Sound mental institution are almost a complete loss (with ugly sets), and the scenario hardly improves from there. Performances supporting O'Quinn are fine, while the star is worth watching even if the flick is ultimately a dud. *1/2 from ****
Toronto85 The disturbed man looking for the perfect family, and will do anything to get it, is back at it again in 'Stepfather II: Make room for Daddy'. We pick up shortly after the original film, and see that the man formerly known as Jerry Blake is inside of a psychiatric facility serving his sentence for all the murders and attempts he committed. He breaks out early on and changes his persona yet again to a psychiatrist named Gene, this time targeting single mother Carol and her teenage son Todd. After brutally dispatching people in the way of him building a life with them, Gene makes it to the church on his wedding day ... but will he get through the ceremony without losing his mind completely?Terry Quinn I thought 'Stepfather II' was really interesting in the sense that it separated itself from the other two films. In parts one and three, the stepchildren (Stephanie in 1 and Andy in 3) disliked the stepfather a lot. They could see that something was off with him, and it never really clicked. In this sequel, the son Todd really liked Gene the stepfather and looked up to him as a role model of sorts. His father just up and left him and his mom, so the writers did a great job of establishing Todd's need for a male figure. It kind of makes it all the more sad when it's revealed how sick Gene really is.Terry Quinn puts in an amazing performance yet again as the deranged man who would kill for a perfect family unit. Meg Foster did really well as the mother Carol as did Jonathan Brandis as Todd. I liked the friend Maddie that they gave Carol, played by Caroline Williams. She was really good too. It lacked the intensity of the original film, but 'Stepfather II' is still very well done. The finale at the church as Gene prepares for his wedding is also very creepy.. and perhaps very bloody. I recommend this one!7/10
lastliberal I am sure Danny Thomas never thought that "Make Room for Daddy" would be the tag line in a film like this.Terry O'Quinn (John Locke from "Lost") is a slasher/serial killer in a mental hospital. He escapes, and tries to start a normal life.But, that old slasher brain can't handle stress, and his romance with Meg Foster ends badly for him.Not a whole lot of slasher action. Mostly just a small town romance story with a slasher angle that plays in a few times.I really don't know how it could have been done differently, but it just didn't have that sparkle.