R | 26 September 1997 (USA)
Face Trailers

Ray is an aging ex-socialist who has become a bankrobber after seeing the demise of socialism in 1980s Britain. Teaming up with a gang of other has-beenish crims, he commits one bank job too many. The gang dissolves in a murderous flurry of recriminations.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Infamousta brilliant actors, brilliant editing
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Leofwine_draca A tough, gritty, drama telling the tale of a heist gone wrong, this was billed as Britain's answer to RESERVOIR DOGS, but apart from the basic plot line the two stories are very different indeed. The reason FACE works is down to the fine acting on display from a top-notch cast, who lift the story to heights that it never could have reached on its own, and it makes us actually care for the people involved, even if they are all criminals and murderers.Robert Carlyle excels as the tough crook who regrets his life of crime, but who is torn as he needs the money from his robberies and the life is the only one that he knows. Carlyle puts in a fine sympathetic turn as the main star of the film, this was before he went big in the blockbusters of today and before the budgets of his films began to blossom. However the rest of the cast must not be forgotten as it is very much an ensemble piece, Ray Winstone once again shows he is a force to be reckoned with as the hulking gangster who is very much a human being. Steven Waddington plays the role of the dim-witted but nice friend of Carlyle's, who lives in a fantasy world of novels and science fiction instead of the real world. The only bad choice of actor comes in the form of Damon Albarn, who proves that he really can't act at all and never should have tried.Welcome humour and comic relief come in the form of Phil Davis, who manages to steal every scene he's in as a psychotic shotgun-wielding maniac. His character is perfectly drawn and absolutely hilarious. Along with the character driven drama and more betrayals, double crosses and fights than you can shake a stick at, there is some fast-paced, thrilling action, such as a police car being shotgunned and exploding or a shoot out at a police station.Definitely opting for realism instead of gloss, there is also some hefty violence definitely not for squeamish viewers; characters are 'done over' by being kicked in the face repeatedly, blood splatters walls, and people are shot at point blank range. However thanks to the high calibre acting, FACE is endlessly rewarding and contains enough twists in the tale to keep even the most casual viewer intrigued until the very end. Very good indeed.
horns_uk I for one am a great lover of London films, this movie has the same Filmer's (if i can call them that) as Love Honour and Obey.One of my old friends who is from the states, but lived over in the UK when we were at school recommended this to me. Dash is his name. I cant thank him enough, well anyway if you like these films, you have got to get hold of this one, why oh why is this not in the top 250 beats me, Also,how the hell have i missed this.well rant over, just watch it and enjoy, okay okay its a bit far-fetched in parts, but that makes the film. sound track is great as well. top notch
dbdumonteil Some people will mention "reservoir dogs" but the subject of the movie is hackneyed ;its granddaddy is probably Huston's while the city sleeps" (1950).What is new is the main character's lost illusions.Once politically committed ,he used to follow his mother's path,demonstrating in the streets singing power to the people right on or other slogans .Now the mother has found a new companion,the hero 's partner,Connie, the subject of one of the biggest euphemisms in the British cinema .Carlyle and his" gang" staged a hold-up,unbeknownst to her but "do not panic ,Connie,you have nothing to worry about".Generally it's the director and his favorite actress,but Carlyle and Bird are the rather unusual team of a female director and her favorite actor.And it works ,because of the rapport they have.It's a violent movie with a lot of blood and death.Its main drawback is it's almost impossible to believe Carlyle 's character was once a commie :the short flashbacks are very superficial.he never hints at it,and the audience is unable to relate to what were once his ideals.
dd_duke2001 This is a great and completely overlooked film. I love heist movies, but most of them is quite shallow and under developed in the use of characters. So I must say I was well impressed when I found this film by chance. An intelligent and very impressive film, why isn't more films of this quality being made in Britain???