Creep Van
Creep Van
NR | 10 June 2012 (USA)
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When Campbell, a vehicle-less 20-something slacker, innocently makes the mistake of answering a FOR SALE sign placed on a dilapidated van, suspense and action take over as he is suddenly caught-up in a deadly game of cat and mouse that puts everyone close to him in mortal danger.

Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Payno I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
David Brailsford This movie tries it has some interesting elements but the movie comes together as a mess of elements that don't work to make a cohesive story and some elements are so outright dumb that unless you were under the influence of some potent controlled substances would make you question "who could have filmed this and thought this was good?" It was hammy and fun at points though, it had some good mindless violence. The ending and some of the more tedious dumb scenes (like the job the main character had at the car wash place) just made the movie longer for no reason. The movie could have benefited from some scene trimming. The ending attempted to be a twist ending but just ended up being dumb and weird.
Theo Robertson Forced to take a job at a car wash or his welfare cheques will be stopped Campbell Jackson finds out that's difficult to get to work every morning so starts looking for a mode of transport . Being short of money his options are limited but finds an old white van which might the bill . Unknown to Campbell both the van and the owner have dark secrets Yet another obscure film I caught on the Horror Channel and yet another one that has that 1980s retro feel . One wonders with so many horror movies adopting this type of movie if it's actually deliberate , down to a lack of budget or merely low budget horror films all tend to look and feel the same ? Certainly CREEP VAN does share that dark , slightly camp look and feel of exploitation movies from the 1980s where grotesque and gruesome things happen and yet isn't mean spirited enough to shock . Many people have commentated that the film does contain tongue in cheek humour and it's impossible not to notice this as people get involved in sex and become victims of murder . It's all a bit sleazy but at the same possesses a nostalgic aurora for those of us old enough to remember the fodder you could rent from a 1980s video store . The murders themselves with the damage being wrought upon the human body might bend the laws of physics but the ingenious methods of murder are what sets it apart from other slasher movies . It also contains a larger than life unlikely character in the shape of Swami Ted and stuff like this doesn't stop the film being rubbish but does elevate it in to being very enjoyable rubbish
Woodyanders Down on his luck misfit Campbell Jackson (a fine and likable performance by Brian Kolodzeij) runs afoul of a vicious and mysterious roving psycho (a creepy portrayal by Mike Butler) who drives around in a beat-up old 70's van. Campbell joins forces with amiable hippie conman Swami Ted (a hilarious and engaging turn by Collin Bernsen) to prevent both himself and his sweet newfound girlfriend Amy (winningly played by the pretty and appealing Amy Wehrell) from becoming the wacko's next victims. Director Scott W. McKinlay and writer Jim Bartoo concoct a delightfully eccentric and entertaining affair that unfolds at a brisk pace, makes the most out of an amusing sense of quirky humor, delivers the gruesome goods with several inventively nasty murder set pieces, manages to build some tension for the suspenseful climax, and even comes through with a nice smattering of tasty gratuitous female nudity as well as a dab of kinky sex. Moreover, it's acted with zest by an enthusiastic cast: Kolodzeij and Wehrell display a charming chemistry in the leads, the luscious Veronica Adkinson bitches it up well as the snarky Danni, Gerald Emerick is a riot as Campbell's hearty boss Mr. Kaufman, Lloyd Kaufman contributes a funny bit as a disgruntled man, and hot blonde Tonya Kay has a stand-out small role as a sassy gal who beats up a jerk mechanic. The surprise bummer ending packs a startling punch. Kudos are also in order for Michael J. Walker's sharp cinematography, the gnarly practical make-up, and Dennis Dreith's cool bluesy rock score. An inspired and idiosyncratic hoot.
hi_im_manic If you like a some low-brow comedy to accompany your bloody B-rate slasher, then the Creep Van will deliver! *NOTE: The version found on Netflix is NOT the raunchier, uncut, extended version that I viewed online.*Despite a couple of shoddy performance moments and an unmistakably low-budget vibe, Creep Van manages very decent gore and a few laugh-out-loud moments. The humor is fairly original, as is the storyline. The characters and kills are curiously quirky. It is written nicely, and the film makes the most of its' budget by employing traditional stage effects and camera trickery rather than CGI tactics. The soundtrack and sound FX, though mostly absent, worked well enough and weren't a distraction.The pace is fine, however it's hard to keep track of time that passes within the film. Has a day passed, or a month? Contemplating this was a bother. In fact, there are a number of missing or incomplete components within the story that were slightly bothersome. They did not however, impede My overall enjoyment. I was glad to have watched it, and would watch it again. There are a number of topless scenes, hilariously bizarre sexuality, and other graphic moments that make this film inappropriate for those under 17 and for those with a big stick up their ultra-tight posterior.