Hot Rod Horror
Hot Rod Horror
| 01 January 2008 (USA)
Hot Rod Horror Trailers

While trying to find where her younger brother wandered off to, Jenny and David, must search an abandoned wrecking yard with a horrifying history.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Mehdi Hoffman There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
Bezenby Somehow this film managed to assure me that enjoyable low budget 'bad' films are still being made today. I thought that things were becoming a bit emotionally detached as people can insert more CGI into their zero budget films (like Battle:Earth) but here we have a genuinely low budget film, without CGI, or Tarantino rip-offs, or over the top camera work. It's just a straight forward horror with really bad acting that looks as if it cost about ten quid to make.Story wise we've got a bunch of kids heading off to a scrap yard to get...something (not sure) while their girlfriends moan about such an unromantic outing. The sister of one of the guys there goes to get him as the scrappy is haunted. It is pretty much haunted by a guy who looks like a passing labourer who wandered onto the set.He's got a backstory though, but we'll get to that in a minute. What we have here is a film where people are looking for each for most of the duration of the film (like Legend of the Mummy 2, Museum of the Dead and Psycho Cop), and it's a plot device I hate. However, in this film the actors are so awful at trying to convey emotion that it becomes almost charming (like the emoting in Zombie Nosh, another zero-budget film that's pretty enjoyable).It's also a very vintage car oriented plot. I don't know if I would have survived the excitement of watching the actual race they carried out in the bad guy's flashback sequence, so I'm glad we just got a brief summary of what happened. If you like American cars, you might like this a bit more. If you like gore or boobs, then you'd better get out of here because you get about two seconds of gore and no boobs.What you do get is a guy with a mullet, a bald patch and another mullet on the front of his head, and various scenes of a girl trying to find somewhere to have a pee (or a crap I guess, never quite specified the second time round). There's enough cheese, Garth Marenghi level acting, and general badness to enjoy this from start to finish. I was never bored for a second.
mjbink This is not your typical horror-gore film. In fact a lot of the horror is left to your imagination-that's one of the things I liked about this movie. True-the acting isn't perfect-but then again-most of the teens in this movie were just starting out. I do think the editing could have been better. But I did get creeped out by this movie and at the same time I got a kick out it! It's also campy and funny. Whether the director was going for campy/funny-I don't know-but I think that's what makes this film work. Most of the film takes place during the day which is also different. The good thing about that is that you're able to see what is going on. A lot of horror films take place at night or they are just so dark you can't see anything. Over all I think this is a decent indie horror/action/comedy movie.
Jarod70 This movie surprised me-not only was there suspense but it also had some comedy-something I wasn't expecting from an action/horror movie. It also has a great 1950's flashback sequence which is my favorite part of the movie aside from the old cars at the junk yard.Some of the cars in the junk yard really gave the movie a creepy feeling.That is one junk yard I wouldn't want to be lost in! This also has a good cast considering some of the actor's were just starting their acting career. The character's Tom and Owen played well off each other and so did the blonde-Amy and her bitchy friend Kristy.Who ever cast the film did a good job.
Chris Mackey (guestar57) HOT ROD HORROR Combining Murder, Ghosts & Hot Rods with a driving soundtrack ! You know they say that nothing great came out of Fresno; Besides raisins, This was until now with HRH. A nice collection of classic vehicles including Street Rods, Race Cars and a sweet motorcycle are used as props to enhance the authentic flashbacks. Let's talk about "AXEL", The main bad guy…Maybe a ghost or demon and comes with some driving skills. I like the Willy O interpretation, I wanted some scary makeup on character but, Maybe the car he drives like possessed and the ghost-like nuances were enough, He had to act more than Robert Englund with mask. The stunts are pretty safe and then there was one, Done with a tire iron and blow torch, STEALS the whole movie and took a father and son stunt team to cook it ! Okay, Let's sum up to make this a Modern Cult Classic film, Guys get ahold of the Speed Channel on cable TV and sell this puppy to them, Talk with Autozone and get it carried in their stores by the counter and put Willy O and His Rat Rod on tour in car shows with copies of HRH to autograph/sell !