The Ward
The Ward
R | 08 July 2011 (USA)
The Ward Trailers

Kristen, a troubled young woman, is captured by the police after burning down a farmhouse and is locked in the North Bend Psychiatric Hospital. Soon, she begins to suspect that the place has a dark secret at its core and she's determined to find out what it is.

Wordiezett So much average
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
GazerRise Fantastic!
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
fedor8 Horror fans are familiar with Carpenter's split personality: the great film-maker and the lousy/lazy film-maker. So who better to do a movie about schizophrenia? The snag is that the lousy Carpenter was in charge when this was made. Perhaps electro-shocks might have helped? Great film-makers can use huge plot-twists without lying to the viewer, whereas lousy film-makers can't.Meryl Streep's daughter is pretty much the least appealing, worst actress I've seen in ages. When Carpenter screws up, he screws up real proper, and casting his movies with nepotists and bland wallpaper is an integral part of the inept Carpenter. The film looks plastic and uninspired, with a dumb plot-twist reminiscent of "Identity". All the insane-asylum cliches are covered too. Carpenter doesn't even have the decency to show us any of the women's breasts in the shower scene, that's how far gone he is in his laziness and cluelessness. (I don't include Meryl's demonic offspring, she can stay covered as far as I'm concerned.)
gwnightscream John Carpenter's 2010 horror film stars Amber Heard, Mamie Gummer, Danielle Panabaker, Laura-Leigh Claire, Lyndsy Fonseca, Mika Boorem and Jared Harris. This takes place in the 1960's focusing on young woman, Kristen (Heard) who is taken to a psychiatric hospital after setting a farmhouse ablaze. She meets Dr. Stringer (Harris) and patients, Emily (Gummer), Sarah (Panabaker), Zoey (Claire) and Iris (Fonseca). Kristen and the girls become hunted by a ghost of deceased patient, Alice (Boorem) and Kristen discovers the significance of her occurrence. This is OK, Heard is pretty good in it, there's gruesome make-up effects by Greg Nicotero & Howard Berger as usual and the film sort of resembles Carpenter's previous film, "In the Mouth of Madness." Carpenter or horror fans may want to view this at least once.
Samuel Crumpacker Let me start off by saying, that I am a Die-hard Carpenter fan. I grew up on all of the man's movies and I can say without a doubt in my mind that he is my favorite director of all time, he is a true visionary. Carpenter's last film before this was Ghosts from Mars, and while sub par, at least that movie was ENTERTAINING! This film is a total friggin bore fest!The acting in this movie is quite frankly terrible, everyone in this film is either a total stiff with no emotion or a zany moron with no direction in character. It's just all a big mess. The dialogue is also god awful, it makes me wonder why Carpenter chose to direct this script seeing how he didn't write it himself, which is most of the problem. The plot follows a young girl who happens to be a runaway, she torches a house but she is recaptured by the police shortly after doing so. From here, it's just all downhill. She is sent to the psychiatric hospital, which you would think of as a good suspenseful setting, but you would be wrong. John Carpenter is supposed to be the master of suspense, second to Hitchcock, it's evident by going back and watching some of his horror classics like Halloween and The Thing. Yet, in this hospital, there is absolutely NO atmosphere and no feeling of suspense, the main character is written as a strong woman, but I think that takes away from her performance a lot. Because as she is so focused on being strong, it seems like she is not at all human, she hardly gets scared and she hardly seems to care much, she's just such a bland character even with the ridiculous backstory of hers. A strong supporting cast would have helped her out a little bit more, but you sure as hell won't find that here. These supporting characters are equipped with stupid hokey quirks that don't give them any real character aside from doing stupid random stuff because they are apparently "so wacky and crazy but ohhhh so lovable!" But OOHHH wait THERE'S MORE there's even a twist! That's right! We have dark pasts that deceive you from our silly and cliché fronts! This sounds more and MORE like a Shyamalan film! These characters do nothing but sit around and spew bs to one another and then when one of them gets killed, they're all caring. I don't care about a single one of these characters when they die and let me also just say that the actresses are ironically PAINFULLY bad at acting like they are in agony when the ghost girl you've seen in every other movie kills their horrendous personalities off. While the concept of an evil hospital with a dark past seems promising, with surely promised elements of claustrophobia and suspense, this is thrown out the window in favor of cheap jump scares that I never would expect from a great like John Carpenter. 2/10 Bad movie, Great Director. Just stick to Carpenter's earlier work and I think you'll be good.
kitarstar Carpenter is a master of cinema and I will not dwell ... On this movie you'll see a case of dissociative disorder with multiple personalities who is experienced in first person accompanying the protagonist in the progressive discovery of the truth of himself. What makes the film interesting and well done is precisely the process in which every veil lifted approaching albeit with some anxiety to the solution; while the film looks like a survival horror, as it is not absolutely a horror but a psychological thriller with some horror scenes but nothing particularly scary in my opinion. Instead prevails the atmosphere, the tension that permeates little or much every second of the film, and you know that here Carpenter is a master. In short, the film will be all the more appreciated as you seize the psychological subtleties of the plot. I liked it a lot.