Bad Behavior
Bad Behavior
| 22 October 2013 (USA)
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Trapped overnight by an unknown assailant, a babysitter struggles to stay safe. As the hours tick by, she realizes that the greatest threat might be from the very children she's trying to protect.

Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Borgarkeri A bit overrated, but still an amazing film
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Joanna Mccarty Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
wes-connors Clearly terrified, a young woman screams... One day earlier, pretty blonde Hallee Hirsh (as Zoe) arrives to babysit three children... Make that two children, because we learn college-bound Jeremy Dozier (as Jack) is too old for a babysitter and will likely stay in his room all night... It should be once child, because second son Austin Rogers (as Tyler) appears too old for a babysitter. Apparently, he's having trouble getting his high school credits together... You could say no babysitter is needed, because both older sons stay home all night. They should be able to watch cute six-year-old vegetarian Elsie Fisher (as Grace) eat her bologna sandwich and go to bed. She's concerned about the death of little pepperonis, but killing bologna is okay...You'll never guess how this ends...Looking vaguely familiar, that's former "Happy Days" and "Married with Children" TV replacement Ted McGinley joining former "Terminator" movie series regular Linda Hamilton to briefly appear as parents...That this is a thriller called "Bad Behavior" provides clues about what might happen. Things get going when Ms. Hirsh invites boyfriend Andrew James Allen (as Kansas) over for a little sexual activity on the couch. In horror, we know that usually brings the villain out of hiding. The writer/director team Nicholas Brandt and Lisa Hamil do manage to keep this story afloat for about an hour, which is quite an accomplishment. Much of the action is confined to limited sets. This could explain the family keeping an "Etch-A-Sketch" in their unusually spacious bathroom. That's not where I played with mine. While nothing groundbreaking ever happens, and the ending may disappoint, "Bad Behavior" looks like it was fun to make.**** Bad Behavior (10/22/2013) Brandt-Hamil ~ Hallee Hirsh, Austin Rogers, Elsie Fisher, Jeremy Dozier
Watcher Saw this film being advertised on Lifetime yesterday, and I thought: "Huh, this could be a interesting movie." And boy was I wrong. What made me hate this already was the poor common sense and the creepy teenage kid who was no help whatsoever (complaining and being a freaking pervert in front of his kid sister). Throughout the film I thought the kids were going to tell the babysitter what's up with their brother, but they keep on saying: "We're not suppose to talk about it." WELL, maybe you should since your brother is trying to HURT or KILL you. And let's not forget the parents. Oho~ They didn't even bother to tell the babysitter about the insane brother. Nope. So if you guys want to watch a film where there's less suspense, annoying teenage boys, and poor actions? Then this is the film for you, folks.
magnumnash As a big fan of horror films, I have become quite weary of new films that seem to worry more about gore, special effects, and simple scare tactics (something suddenly appearing in frame, followed by loud sound effect) and less about story, acting and developing a character that is both believable, and terrifying. Fortunately, this is not one of those films.From start to finish I felt drawn to keep watching and find out what would happen to Zoe as her night of work becomes a nightmare. The acting and storyline really make for a fun, scary and suspenseful film. Not sure this will be a huge hit, but I feel a cult classic coming along.
Adam Ackerman A typical day for young babysitter Zoe quickly goes wrong after she puts the kids to bed. Within a few hours she is not only fighting for her life, but the lives of others as well. This movies spins quite the tale of family issues, sibling rivalry, drug dependence, delusions, denial and their own past. This all leads to quite the culmination as we learn that one child has psychotically violent tendencies, that have been getting worse, and can happen at any time. It is up to Zoe to save the others when the inevitable does happen. This film makes one think about how they would handle themselves in a similar situation. How would you react?