Don't Go to the Reunion
Don't Go to the Reunion
NR | 05 October 2013 (USA)
Don't Go to the Reunion Trailers

Scott Rantzen (Brady Simenson) is a horror movie loving misfit who is teased by the popular students in school. When a date with the very popular and very beautiful Erica Carpenter (Stephanie Leigh Rose) backfires, he feels as though his life is ruined. Ten years later, the gang reunite for their class reunion. Little do they know that someone is waiting for them and ready to see that they pay for what they did. Is Scott back for revenge and will the old gang survive to tell the tale? It'll be more gore for Class of 04.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
kittengrouch I had a much better time with this movie than I would have ever expected. Yes it is low budget but you can tell the heart is there as they make a gory tribute to some good horror movies from the 80s. (The best decade for slashers)Basically, if you think you will like this movie, you probably will. A good cast, some impressive cinematography, and a fast running time make this movie seem a lot shorter than what it is. I had a pretty good time with this one and I'm happy to see that slashers are still being made today like this.Overall, a Fun stuff all around.
Greg Butler This film is a wonderful homage to 80's slasher films. The makers of it achieved exactly what they set out do to, in that it remains entertaining throughout and follows the structure of a typical slasher film. In certain scenes, it felt like the camera may have been too close or shot from the wrong side, but this didn't interrupt my general enjoyment of the film. That can mainly be put down to experience, which hopefully this film has provided the movie makers with. It is very easy to look past the amateurishness of this film and really enjoy what is being shown, as this is practically a no budget film.The main issue I had was that it felt as though it was about 10 minutes too short, but it is really impressive considering the budget. I'm excited to see what Slasher Studios produce next with hopefully a bigger budget and the experience of making this film under their belt.
gavin6942 A prank goes too far for the popular students at Hamilton High; they begin to pay for their actions ten years later at their high school reunion.Anyone watching this needs to be aware up front that this is an independent film where most people involved never made a feature film. The budget is quite low, some of the actors are not as polished as they probably could be. If lower budgets turn you off to a film, this probably will not be for you.That being said, lower budgets do not automatically mean the film will be of lower quality. Take a film like "The Janitor", for example -- it has comparable production values and is one of the better horror films ever made. This film is much the same -- while there were budget limitations and time constraints, this was more than made up for by the brilliant writing.HorrorHound magazine's Aaron Christensen refers to this as a "beer and pizza" movie, and that is spot on. The film is best enjoyed with a group of friends, or a full theater if possible. I saw a screening with fifty or sixty people and it only amplified the humor. Something you might smile at becomes a "laugh out loud" moment when you are surrounded with smiling, giggling fans. This is a party movie all the way.On top of the humor, the horror homages obviously deserve mention. The characters are all named for horror notables, and I think this was done right. Adam Green (of "Hatchet" fame) has said he dislikes this practice, but I think it was handled appropriately here. Unlike "The Dead Next Door" (for example) the character's are rarely (if ever) referred to by their last names, making the reference more subtle. This also fits the feel of the movie, which is one big homage to 1980s slashers.Writer Kevin Sommerfield knows his horror films. I have seen hundreds, if not thousands, and he still managed to toss in references that I found obscure. Well played, good sir. For the certain kind of horror fan who loves references, this will be a real treat. Sommerfield evens managed to sneak in a great "Scream" spoof.Support independent film, support Wisconsin film, go see this movie.
Slasher_Lover23 It is 2004 and a group of seniors decide to play a prank on one of their classmates which results in him getting into major trouble. 10 years later the group of friends receive invites to stay at the house they thought was abandoned in their hometown the night before their 10 year reunion. Upon arriving they find disturbing drawings and immediately think something isn't right. Throughout the night, people start to disappear, and suspicions begin to rise. Has their old classmate plotted his own revenge or has one of their own decided to take matters into their own hands and get rid of the class of 04?This indie horror film directed by Steve Goltz and written by Kevin Sommerfield is the breath of fresh air the slasher and horror genre needed in the wake of remakes and endless sequels. Although the film runs 75 minutes, it is non-stop fun throughout. The film has MANY references and nods to other slasher films. Not only that but it has excellent kills, and a great cast to boot. You can really tell the cast had a lot of fun with the film and their roles. Most notable is Stephanie Leigh Rose as our lead girl Erica. Watching her in this film made me think she has all the making of a Scream Queen. We also have leading male, Spencer Harlan as Erica's boyfriend David, who brings a lot of the charm of the film, but once things begin to escalate, Harlan gives it his all. The whole cast does a great job that you can't help but love them, even the characters you're supposed to despise. When the film finally reaches its big showdown with the killer you can just feel the tension between the characters and you really see the actors losing themselves in the roles. If you're sick of remakes, sequels, and overused found footage horror Hollywood is spitting at you, check out this great film that shows the slasher subgenre is still very much alive.