This Boy's Life
This Boy's Life
R | 09 April 1993 (USA)
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When a son and mother move to Seattle in hopes for a better life, the mother meets a seemingly polite man. Things go south when the man turns out to be abusive, endangering their lives. As the mother struggles to maintain hope in an impossible situation, the son has plans to escape.

ClassyWas Excellent, smart action film.
ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Blake Rivera If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
SnoopyStyle It's the 1950's. Toby Wolff (Leonardo DiCaprio) is traveling around with his mother Caroline Wolff (Ellen Barkin) on her flight of fancy to find uranium. His father had left with his older brother. He's a rebellious troublemaker. In Seattle, Caroline hooks up with seemingly nice Dwight Hansen (Robert De Niro). They are getting married but he turns out to be a dominating abusive bully.These are three terrific actors doing great work. I have trouble rooting for Toby. Leo's doing exceptional work and I can't put it down on him. De Niro is doing a nicer version of Cape Fear. I can't really pinpoint the issue but I think I need some humor. I need a break from the unceasing domination by Dwight. It feels oppressive and somewhat depressing. It wore me out.
Desertman84 A single mother and her difficult son find family life isn't necessarily all it's cracked up to be in this film.This Boy's Life is a film adaptation of the memoir of the same name by Tobias Wolff. It is directed by Michael Caton-Jones and it features Leonardo DiCaprio as Tobias Wolff together with Robert De Niro and Ellen Barkin. The film also co-stars Chris Cooper,Carla Gugino,Eliza Dushku and Tobey Maguire in a small role.Nomadic, flaky Caroline just wants to settle down in one place, find a decent guy, and provide a better home for her handful of a son, Toby. When she moves to Seattle and meets the respectful, respectable Dwight Hansen, she thinks she's got it made. Toby, however, feels differently after spending a few months with Dwight and his children and away from Caroline. The boy's stepfather-to-be seems to want to mold Toby into a better person, but to do so he emotionally, verbally, and physically abuses the kid. The marriage proceeds, and soon Caroline, too, recognizes Dwight's need to dominate everyone around him. She sticks with it, though, convinced it's the best thing for her son, and several years of dysfunction ensue. During this time, Tobias befriends another misfit, the possibly homosexual young Arthur Gayle, while continuing to chafe under the yoke of his repressive stepfather.Hoping to leave Concrete and live with his older brother Gregory, Toby decides to apply for east-coast prep-school scholarships. Realizing his grades are not adequate to apply, Toby devises a plan to submit falsified grade reports. Meanwhile, the friendship between Arthur and Toby becomes strained when Arthur confronts Toby regarding his behavior; Arthur tells Toby he is acting more and more like Dwight and asks Toby, "why should you be the one who gets to leave?" Even so, Arthur helps his friend get the papers Toby needs to falsify his grade records and Toby sends in his prep-school applications. When Toby tells Arthur he can leave Concrete and have a better life too, Arthur tells him he will most likely stay. After numerous rejections, Toby is accepted to the Hill School in Pottstown, Pennsylvania with a full scholarship.At the end of the film following two years of marriage, Caroline defends Toby during a physically violent argument between her son and husband and they are both seen leaving Dwight and Concrete. This movie provided the first lead role for future superstar Leonardo DiCaprio. He steals the show in this tale of learning how to be a man, with a sly Robert De Niro also giving a good performance.It was a a compelling character study that is well worth watching despite of being too long and a plot that drags.It shows how a resilient teenager survives childhood trauma and adversity through independence, anger and creativity.In short,it is a powerful and compelling stuff that makes it a must-see.
reneweddan Entertaining from start to finish, this film is more than a depressing film, it's a film about hope, chances, and positivity.This film documents the events in the life of Tobias Wolff and his rough journey as an adolescent. (You should Wikipedia some information after the film since this was released in 1993 and many things can change since then 'till now) The acting from Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert De Niro, and Ellen Barkin is sublime, and this film is worth watching.It centers around the life of a child as he lives life with his mother (his father left with the child's older brother who eventually released a book called "Duke of Deception: Memories of My Father"). His life is nothing short of rough, a town of nobodies, but his desire to leave is as strong as his will to do so.This Boy's Life is about finding the positivity in negative situations and taking chances before they pass you by forever. Inspiring and brilliant, Leonardo DiCaprio at a young age still acts better than many.Enjoy this film.
ayboday The movie revolves around a period of time in Tobias Wolffs upbringing.Tobias' mother marries another single parent in concrete as a way to escape her financial troubles raising a lone son on her own.I will not get into details but heres what I thought of the movie: Deniros character is easy to despise.The kind where you would punch through the screen if it was possible.This was the first pre-Titanic movie I saw for Dicaprio and he really convinced me he did not get in the profession based solely on his looks.He gave a very empassioned performance. The overall theme of the movie was "Escape".Find a way out of the current living situation in any way possible.Tobias fakes his school transcripts and it all comes down to the interview with the prep school representative who comes to concrete to interview him.Tobias is in a suit with his hair gelled and sitting in the local icecream shoppe with his interviewer discussing his future.Suddenly two of his friends walk in and one of them is talking about a sexual encounter he had in lewd terms.I was on the edge of my seat figuratively speaking as Tobias also stopped talking and was apparently uncomfortable.They pass without recognize him and we all breathe a sigh of relief.On his way out after the swell interview,guess who shows up.Noneother than Dwight! He starts calling Tobias a know-it-all and wouldn't you know it that only enhanced Tobias' image in the eyes of the interviewer as the envied oppressed wonderkid. It ended with Tobias and his mom taking the opportunity to leave when it arose with Caroline going to Washington to take a position in the Kennedy campaign and Tobias going to prep school.It was that simple of an ending but overall I was really drawn into the movie and was satisfied.