Spirit of the Marathon
Spirit of the Marathon
| 24 January 2008 (USA)
Spirit of the Marathon Trailers

Four years in the making, Spirit of the Marathon is the collaborative effort of three-time Academy Award winner Mark Jonathan Harris, Telly Award winner and director/marathoner Jon Dunham and producer/marathoner Gwendolen Twist. It is the first film to capture the story, drama and ultimate essence of the legendary 26.2 mile running event. Filmed globally in North America, Europe, Africa and A

Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
jordanbharris What an inspiring film. I just love it. The film was beautifully shot, the pace of the film moved quickly, and the cast was great! The film follows a 70 year old runner, Jerry, who is hysterical. And what an intense finish for both Daniel and Deena, I don't think I breathed during the last mile of their race. I love that the film showed the wide spectrum of runners from the young to the old, the injured to the elites, it was a well balanced film.The history on the sport was fascinating. I liked the section on the Boston Marathon and Katherine Switzers story is very inspiring for woman today. This has been one of the better films I have seen this year!
atalanta26pt2 As a serious marathoner, I was seriously disappointed in this film. Its target audience is clearly those who have never run a marathon, or novice marathoners. Following the stories of 2 first-time marathoners, one senior, one injured runner, and two elites as they prepare for the Chicago marathon, the film dedicates the majority of its attention to one female beginner whose story is, for lack of a better word, boring. While I did enjoy the brief glimpses into the training sessions of Deena Kastor, the brief history of the Boston marathon and marathoning in general, let me emphasize: These were brief!! Watching some Joe Runners prepare for a Saturday run with their water bottles and talking about how they view the marathon is not inspiring, and the nonstop clichés about achievement and feel-good grinning runners will make you wish the film were about an hour shorter. If you are a first-time marathoner, this film may give you a feeling of "I can do it." For anyone else, run away.
horton-2 For some odd reason it was decided to show this movie throughout the country only once on January 24th at 7:30pm. Because of this every theater in Chicago was sold out of tickets weeks before the event. I wound up driving to the suburbs to see it. Fortunately for those that missed it they will have an encore presentation on February 21st.If you are a runner or have set a goal to one day run a marathon you will love this movie without a doubt. If you also happen to live in Chicago you will love it even more. Oddly enough this movie is released in 2008 but follow people preparing for the 2005 marathon.The strength of this film was that they not only followed the elite runners they followed people from all speeds. One of the people they followed was Deena Kastor, the current US women's record holder for the marathon (and I believe 5K, 8K, 15K, and the half last I heard), one of the best American hopefuls for the Olympics this year. They also followed runners that were attempting to qualify for Boston as well as a few first timers and over 5 hour runners. The only other documentary about marathons I've seen was the Nova version which followed all first timers so it was nice seeing a broader range of views and struggles.I have only ran one marathon so far and after that I became more intent on improving my time than ever before with Chicago being my next one. With an attitude like that it was inevitable I was going to like this film but Jon Dunham did a fantastic job piecing together some very unique footage that helps you appreciate the scale of such an event even more.It gets my heart pumping just thinking about the next marathon.
twothirtyseven I was so excited to see that there was a one time viewing of this awesome documentary. Even more excited to see how packed the theater was. I honestly thought I would be one of few to be sitting in the theater. It was great to run into fellow runners there, it seemed that almost everybody knew somebody else. Definitely the most friendliest movie theater experience I have ever had. Now, I have not run a marathon yet. And I have said that 2008 is my year, and I have not determined which one it will be. But watching this movie was great to see the excitement of the runners, and the small glimpse into their lives of training for such an event. I think it was great to incorporate all different levels, from elite runners like Deana and Daniel, to first time runners and even the "sweepers" as they called themselves. I recommend this to any runner, especially if you have run or plan on running a marathon. It was great that there was some humor and the whole theater laughed at points. So it wasn't your information only documentary. It was a huge inspiration for me, and if it wasn't 11:00pm when I got out of the theater, and only a chilly 17 degrees, I would have gone running myself. I look forward to this on DVD, and I hope it gets on DVD soon!