| 17 September 1967 (USA)
Games Trailers

A mysterious woman in black moves in with married Manhattan thrill-seekers and helps one trick the other.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
jtncsmistad James Caan and Katherine Ross were each on the cusp of superstardom in 1967, he with a breakout performance in "The Godfather", she becoming a bonafide leading lady in "The Graduate". But before ascending into the rarified air of Hollywood Royalty, they made the clunker "Games" together. Painfully slow and stunningly devoid of chills for an alleged "thriller", this one falls firmly into the category of "paying your dues".Watching this legendary pair play Parcheesi would have been more stimulating.
jrb1953 It's a shame this is not easily available on DVD. It was a really cool thriller, well plotted, well acted.
gutenkatzen Paul (James Caan) and Jennifer (Katharine Ross) Montgomery are wealthy boho socialites who amuse themselves with elaborate parlor games in their Manhattan townhouse filled with pop art and vintage arcade games. Lisa Schindler (Simone Signoret) is a down on her luck German aristocrat who gains entrance to their house (and into their minds) after Lisa takes pity on her and allows the admittedly dishonest door-to-door saleswoman into their lives. The glamorous and amoral Lisa scoffs at their harmless pastimes and arranges more decadent and deadly amusements that will put Jennifer's sanity to the test. Signoret, in a role that was written for Marlene Dietrich, chews the scenery and spits out the upholstery tacks, proving that no film ever suffered from her presence, however miscast. James Caan blends into the carpeting as the not so better half of a pair of dissolute dilettantes, while Katharine Ross's beauty gamely steps in to act. 'The Game' is a stylish, well-paced thriller that combines Harrington's 'queer' art house sensibilities with a master draftsman's assured and nimble hands.
filmklassik Tedious thriller, in many ways a remake of Signoret's earlier DIABOLIQUE, with an ending Ray Charles could see coming a mile off. I'm surprised this movie has so many admirers. It shouldn't. It's derivative, far-fetched (the villain's scheme is ludicrous), and doesn't stand up to a moment's scrutiny.Rule of thumb: If your scheme depends on fooling someone into thinking someone who's only *pretending* to be dead for several minutes is *really* dead, it's a bad scheme. A lot can go wrong there. I take that back. *Everything* can go wrong there.Rule of thumb: If your scheme depends on someone who thinks they're only going to be shot with blanks being shot with *real* bullets, and then not talking before they die (or even surviving the ordeal), it's a bad scheme.This movie is about a very, very, very bad scheme.Good actors, though. Hence my 4/10 rating.
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