Alexandra's Project
Alexandra's Project
NR | 29 August 2003 (USA)
Alexandra's Project Trailers

Steve is a man who has it all, a successful career, wonderful children, beautiful home and a loving wife. However, returning to his home after work on his birthday, he finds his house deserted and darkened with almost all the lightbulbs missing, all easy access outside cut off and a videotape waiting for him. Playing that tape, he watches a bizarre and grueling recording in which his wife explains her grievance with him, her reasons for disappearing with the children and her revenge for how he treated her in a way he would never forget.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Josh Bates Excellent film for the given budget and cast. The movie is very slow paced but the climax and overall message makes it worth a watch. There are only about 5 characters in the whole movie besides a couple of run of the mill office scenes with yuppies passing in and out of the frame. I would recommend this to people who are into Independent Films and enjoy non- traditional types of movies. Its not supposed to be scary at all it leans heavily towards suspense but falls quite short of edge of your seat. Don't watch with your children, the nudity isn't very graphic but the whole movie in general just isn't for kids. I also wouldn't make this movie a prime time weekend watcher, maybe 3rd choice at best. If you like this one you should also check out Anti-Christ with Willem Dafoe. Well I hope that this was helpful, take care.
lcburnell I have absolutely no intention of viewing this film and thank you all for your sacrifice.I had a bad first marriage...He cheated...I left. Period. No tracking cars, no detectives, zip. No alimony. Just pay the child support and get the EF out. Kapeesh?No Proof. Not until years later. But I just knew and left. No video tape. I just told him I'm leaving. I told him he treated me like a piece of property and I was gone.I am a true feminist. I didn't need his alimony or BS. The kids were half his he pays because I put him through school and he earned more money.Not all feminists are this nuts. We leave and take care of ourselves and our responsibilities.I will never humiliate myself to see this film.Once again, Thank you all for your sacrifice. P.S. I hope these actors we're well paid. Quentin Crisp: How actors suffer for their art!
williamburr2001 Male fear. This movie hits sensitive spots. It's hard to give a number out of 10 to, because my gut says 1, but my brain says "That's exactly what it wanted to hear." All the technicals are fine, but the draw in this film is the message. As a man, I found it hard to sit through. There is condemnation here, the villain is unclear, and everything in the end is muddled. This is a movie that provokes very strong feelings, and whether or not you agree with what the characters say, you have to admit it does poke a scalpel into some vulnerable parts, as it applies to men and women.This movie is a seat-squirmer. It is talk-heavy, and there is plenty to nod along to or shake your fist at.
kosmasp The movie starts pretty powerful and suspenseful. But the problem is the twist in the story. And while others do talk about it here, I'm not going the spoiler road. But I will tell you, that everything falls apart with that twist. The main problem being that the viewers feelings have to change (for the characters). But it does not go the full way, so most actions seem ridiculous.Of course you could argue, that some of the things have been done in other movies, without any reasons (none that we are told or as slim as those portrayed here ... slim for the mayhem it seems to have kicked off). But we're not talking about other movies, we are talking about this one. The way the movie starts leaves a few things open. But the way it decides to go, is a path with no redemption. Still nicely done, but not my cup of tea.