Poetic Justice
Poetic Justice
R | 23 July 1993 (USA)
Poetic Justice Trailers

Still grieving after the murder of her boyfriend, hairdresser Justice writes poetry to deal with the pain of her loss. Unable to get to Oakland to attend a convention because of her broken-down car, Justice gets a lift with her friend, Iesha, and Iesha's postal worker boyfriend, Chicago. Along for the ride is Chicago's co-worker, Lucky, to whom Justice grows close after some initial problems. But is she ready to open her heart again?

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Wordiezett So much average
ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Irishchatter Honestly these two were such a cute couple on this but the only problem I had while watching this movie, they added in such annoying characters for this movie. It would've been better if Regina King as Iesha and Joe Torry as Chicago to not join with them for the journey. These characters really did give me the biggest headache that any movie had giving me.Anyways, I really didn't think 2pac was going to be in a movie like this because he mostly does gangsta movies but I suppose he wanted to try something new in getting involved in a romantic drama film. It did suit him but it was just unexpected that he would get involved with something like this!Great movie, I give this 8/10!
MIDDLEMYATT It's clear what Singleton attempted to do with this one, and I'd say it was a noble effort. Of course the script could've been tighter and the climax stronger and more rewarding, thus resulting in a more worthwhile film. However, in the film's defense, the charismatic Tupac shines while convincingly helming the sole well-conceived role. He's the best reason -- perhaps the only reason -- viewers should join in on the film's road trip to Oakland. He's subtle but confident, forceful but not heavy-handed, complex but genuine -- all the things that have also made him a legendary (and sorely missed) rapper. On the other hand, regarding Ms. Jackson... Well, I'll attempt to simply and kindly take the high road and say she probably shouldn't attempt to act again (unless she takes some drama classes). Janet simply doesn't get it. She doesn't understand the craft. She "acts" throughout the entire movie, something a skilled and experienced performer would never be caught doing. Perhaps Singleton was just too smitten with her to inform her that performing requires more than just emoting and script recitation. I understand that fans of Janet's music will invariably take issue with my comments, but if they'd simply separate her on-screen skills from her (heavily studio-enhanced) musical skills, I believe they'd have to agree with me. And it doesn't help that Janet's character (Justice) isn't a well-written, fully-developed and focused role; that's Singleton's fault -- not Janet's. Also, in the movie, fans of Maya Angelou will enjoy her cameo and the verses she wrote for Janet's character, a poet. And the fan(s) of Regina King will appreciate the challenging, range-revealing character stretch she takes on: she portrays a sassy, shallow, one-dimensional young lady with an attitude (that's something we've never seen her play before). Overall, Poetic Justice isn't one of Sigleton's finest moments, but again, revisiting Tupac's performance makes it entertaining and somewhat worthwhile.
nadia-31 I read the other review and simply had to comment on it. This was a great movie. Perhaps not filled with action. But it takes the poetic point of view and happily surprises you. It's in my DVD - shelf at home. Janet is showing a great acting and so is Tupac. My boyfriend weren't that crazy about it, so I've come to realize that it take a special kind of person to want to see and understand the movie at it's fullest. Since i write poetry in my spare time maybe that explains my passion about this movie. In all, I think you should rent it if the review at the back cover tempt you, it's pretty much what you get.
frank56 I applaud John Singleton for being brave enough to film "Poetic Justice" -- it's a real triumph in presenting a story that looks beyond Hollywood's usual stereotypes of urban youth. If you are looking for a typical gang-bangin' shoot em up angry urban film...look elsewhere, because that genre is miles away from Singleton's storytelling. This film has precisely what black audiences say they are looking for - depth, real characters with a number of real layers....and yet people say they cannot get into this film. I say watch it and simply feel the messages being conveyed through the hearts of the characters. Tupac Shakur's performance saddens my heart....because he had so much potential as an actor as proven with his performance here. I was fortunate enough to actually meet and compliment him on this performance, which is at turns skillful and all his own. He had that quality that film actors envy in that the camera loved him. Janet Jackson gives a skilled performance as well, and the two have a natural chemistry that works here. This film is worth watching...it's one of my favorites.