Call Me Crazy: A Five Film
Call Me Crazy: A Five Film
| 20 April 2013 (USA)
Call Me Crazy: A Five Film Trailers

A psychotherapist helps a law student cope with schizophrenia in one of five interconnected tales dealing with mental illness.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
randycooper I thought the portrayals of the differing mental illnesses in this film to be really accurate. Another reviewer had mentioned that the portrayal of Schizophrenia was a bit inaccurate, and not common and this I would agree with. However, it did show something that does happen even if not often.I would like to personally thank all of the people who had a part in making this film. I suffer from mental illness and am very grateful for this film and anything else that promotes awareness.I would also like to add that if anyone involved in making this film sees this post, I would love to see a second film of the same nature made. Perhaps it could include, GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder), PD (Panic Disorder), Agoraphobia, and Dissociative Identity Disorder. I suffer from GAD with PD, and Depression. I would have loved to have seen a character with GAD/PD. Just a thought for another production.Sincerely, Randy Cooper
juggermat After I saw the film Five directed by Jennifer Aniston, Patty Jenkins and 3 more credits this was my second film which was a compilation of five separate short stories although part 1 , 3 and 5 was related. In each part of these five a psychological disease was depicted meticulously and beautifully hence we could see the pain and suffering that other members of family bear in order to cope with their patients. The storyline was great as I personally believe that having insight to your mental problem is the first step to take in treatment.Some how the movies was inspiring as we saw a schizophrenic young girl(Brittany Snow)not only managed to finish her law lessons but also tried to help people suffering from mental disorders such as a young mother with PTSD of war(Jennifer Hudson). At the end I recommend the movie to those who are interested in or curious about psychology.
Balazs Horvath The movie consists of 5 stories with only the first, third and fifth one being coherent. All of the stories' main characters are mentally ill therefore the stories have the main problem and only that in common. It's definitely an interesting and unique movie as the title suggests but I wouldn't recommend it for anyone because the problem wouldn't be interesting for everybody and I'm a good example for it. It is built up properly and the acting is unobjectionable. Although I can't miss to blame it for the (infrequent, but present) stupidity, as also it contains several other small issues. For some the choice of subject is also reprehensible, the second story for example is downright boring and uninteresting. To be honest I'd only recommend it to you if you have personal links to the topic or if you are really interested in it, otherwise I don't think you'd like it.
jessg32 I caught this movie on Lifetime recently and started watching it since I work in social services. The vignette on Schizophrenia was hard to swallow and seemed unrealistic. Not to say that a person with Schizophrenia can't recover or have less symptoms, but I think the movie could've shown a better or more realistic image of schizophrenia if they were going to bother to put it in the film. The average onset age of Schizophrenia in women is 25 and Brittney Snow's character discusses being a teenager with Schizophrenia. Despite this, the movie also focuses on depression, PTSD and bipolar disorder in a more realistic manner. Mental illness still has such a negative stigma, it is great to see a movie try to shed some light on what a person with mental illness' life is like. Hopefully those who watch it can feel some empathy for the main characters and their families.
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