S. Darko
S. Darko
R | 28 April 2009 (USA)
S. Darko Trailers

Seven years after the events of the first film, Samantha Darko finds herself stranded in a small desert town after her car breaks down where she is plagued by bizarre visions telling of the universe's end. As a result, she must face her own demons, and in doing so, save the world and herself.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Leonardo S.Darko It,s Really Confused Me I Think The Director Should Confused Too After See What He Made . Samantha Leave Her Family Because They Don,t Care About Her After Donnie Die, We Don,t See Her Family She Just Travel With Her Friend To Other Town And We See A lot Nonsense Things In It In Every Way You Think You Can,t Find Out What,s That.The Final Scenes It,s Really Complete Hopelessness The Director Do What He Want,s He Can,t In All Way He Can,t Even Make A 2 Minute Movie , He Must Quit His job And Go In Mall.
Mark Ryan This is not the ideal sequel, but it's not bad either. It's not another *Donnie Darko*--which a lot of reviewers seem to be expecting. It's its own thing--so give it a chance. In terms of the crafts, it's very well done. And the script is pretty tight. By not means is this a "B" movie.Did anyone notice that the mine tunnel ("adit" to miners) *is* a mine tunnel, not a set? No small thing in production terms. Did anyone notice how good Daveigh Chase is in the title role? Or the superb opening title sequence?There is a complex and nuanced relationship between the lead characters, Samantha and Corey. Corey is an open book, while Samantha is is locked up tight, burying her past. The acting is spot on. Samatha in particular seems damaged and very much the sibling of Donnie Darko.I agree that some of the elements of the original film---the bunny mask and *The Philosophy of Time Travel* are simply appropriated. But they needed some link. This film has its own mysteries. It's definitely worth a watch.
echanove Donnie Darko was a superb film: disturbing, coherent and consistent because of a very good script. If you liked it, you'll have at least curiosity about this sequel, but you'll be disappointed about the result. However, the proposal, with a lower budget and and a more Tarantino or Rodriguez approach and style, keeping away of the teenager comedy genre of DD could be attractive, but it fails.In fact, at the beginning the plot appears to be a road movie like Death Proff -even Thelma and Louis is referenced by the motel owner !! in a funny wink- or movies like that, but despite some little hits of the script it doesn't work good enough as it develops. Many things of the movie are confusing and they don't mix as good as in DD.Anyway, if you like this kind of films or if you loved or were astonished (like me) about DD, you should watch the film. At least because you will laugh in many moments, and who knows, probably this is not a handicap for the film !!. So, no totally bad and unwatchable, but insufficient.
nic452 This is by far one of the funniest movies I've watched in a while. Oh... It was supposed to be a Sci-Fi/Thriller? Oh well. Like most people who mistakenly watched this movie, I am a big fan of Donnie Darko. My best friend is, too, and that's how this story began. Someone happened to buy this for her as a gift, so she came over and we popped it into my DVD player. 30 minutes later, the two of us were in car-crash-mode (you know you shouldn't be sitting there just watching, you should be doing something about the horror you've just witnessed, but for the life of you, you just can't look away). However, I broke the spell and found the one way to make this train-wreck a good movie. I call it: The S. Darko Drinking Game. Firstly, you need a little bit before you start (we took a couple drinks and started the movie all over again). The important rule about the game is that the rules must always be flexible. We began with "Take a drink every time you remember this is a bad movie". Then we added "...and every time the pretty boy from Gossip Girl poses for the camera" (because seriously, he does). And "...and every time the sorta/kinda pretty boy from Twilight scratches/shows that ugly rash". You can probably guess how it went from there. It became a funny movie after a while. I even laughed when Samantha died (the second time). Then again, I could've been just so happy that the movie should finally be ending. All in all, I enjoyed the movie...to a degree. However, not even I have worked up enough courage to try it again. I wouldn't suggest it to anyone. Not even the actors.