All Nighter
All Nighter
R | 17 March 2017 (USA)
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When a globe-trotting, workaholic father trying to visit his daughter on a last minute layover in Los Angeles discovers that she’s disappeared, he forces her awkward, nervous ex-boyfriend, still nursing a broken heart, to help him find her over the course of one increasingly crazy night.

Laikals The greatest movie ever made..!
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Allissa .Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
GonzoDanMan Before seeing this film, I thought JK could walk on water. And truth be told, he's ok in this film, he just got dealt HORRIBLE lines and scenes to act. The whole thing is just a mess, one stupid unbelievable situation after the next. A lot of good talent gone to waste here, including SNL alums Killam and Schaal. I was embarrassed for them in various ridiculous set-ups throughout the movie. The ONLY reason I watched the whole thing was to see how much worse it would get, and that it did. A real turd duster, let me take this one for the team and you all skip it. Life is short, don't give up 90 precious minutes of your time for this gross mess...
edu-82268 Film to see, I'm not saying it's the success of the year but it's pretty funny. It has nothing new, and is similar to the film of the genre certainly. But it is nice to watch, the actors are good. Sipping in the middle of the day with a nice little coffee and why not girlfriends.
The Couchpotatoes I like both J.K. Simmons and Emile Hirsch but that wasn't enough to make it a good movie. J.K. Simmons shouldn't be in a comedy, he just has not the face for it. The script was not well written, a quite boring story. Two guys going from one point to another trying to find their daughter/ex-girlfriend. The comedy factor was almost nihil to me. I guess I don't have the same sense of humor as other reviewers that thought it was hilarious. There is the odd joke every now and then but certainly not any that you will remember in the future. The positive thing about the movie is that it is not too long, so at least you don't feel like you wasted a lot of time. But if I knew what I know now I would just watch something else.
John Plocar A small, little indie comedy about a father who has to team up with his daughter's ex-boyfriend in order to find out where she is after it appears to be missing. J.K. Simmons plays the smart ass, witty father; Emile Hirsch takes the role of the "down on his luck", well intentioned but simple ex-boyfriend. Both of which are phenomenal actors and they do fine work here, but I feel as though their talents were almost wasted in this movie. Do not get me wrong however, I thought that this was a decent movie and I do recommend it as a light movie that you could pop on in the afternoon or early evening if you wanted to kill some time. However, I felt as though these two actors should be given much more challenging material than something like this which doesn't supply much depth in terms of character. Putting that aside though, I thought they did a good job and probably kept me from declaring this movie as something forgettable. The film has some laughs and does capture the awkward moments of their circumstance very well without falling into "Meet the Parents" styled humor territory. It does have a secondary character, played by Taran Killam, that after a while I found to be slightly grating but I never found it to ever completely break the movie. The two leads run into some quirky characters and cumbersome scenarios that kept me entertained. I should clarify though that this movie isn't quite like most shenanigans movies where the characters go through their personal arches over the course of a single night a la "Adventures in Babysitting", "License to Drive", "Hollywood Knights", or "Stretch". This plays the shenanigans a tad bit more low-key and realistic rather than completely over-the-top or all that wacky. It still does show the leads run into a pickle or two and have a few colorful characters along the way; and they do have their own character arches that they go through which are done well enough here.All around, I thought that this was a passably entertaining movie with a good moral or two. Has a good amount of chuckles. Good actors that may have actually elevated the film to be as decent as it is. It's well made, the narrative is relatively predictable but I like that it never makes anyone the villain when it so easily could have in some cases. So if you feel like watching a quirky, innocent comedy that will entertain you for an hour and a half then I think this will do.