Juliet, Naked
Juliet, Naked
R | 16 August 2018 (USA)
Juliet, Naked Trailers

Annie is stuck in a long-term relationship with Duncan – an obsessive fan of obscure rocker Tucker Crowe. When the acoustic demo of Tucker's hit record from 25 years ago surfaces, its discovery leads to a life-changing encounter with the elusive rocker himself.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Grimossfer Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Jane Brownrigg It's not often that I laugh out loud in movies but I did while viewing Juliet, Naked. Having loved such films as Fever Pitch. I was not surprised to see Nick Hornby's name in the credits. He has a way with sympathetic characters that always resonates for me. Once again the soundtrack is full of artists I love. I would see this film again...
gieslersue Everyone was laughing in the movie theater. The jokes are subtle, clever, original. Convincing acting, real characters, none of that fake, plastic Hollywood thing. I'll even watch it again!
turetskyneil Haven't laughed out loud so much in a theater in a long time. Simply charming smart and delightful. A film about feeling and being stuck, a very human condition, and attempts (successful and not so successful) to deal with it. Just wonderful acting from all the leads, Ethan Hawke and Rose Byrne in particular. A kid, Azhy Robertson, charming and funny without being too precious. Wonderful believable chemistry, an intelligent and witty "romcom", but devoid of the unrealistic mush and manipulative plot tricks typical of the genre. Finally a movie as good as the Nick Hornby its based on. Oh, and a hopeful ending without saccharine, something much needed. Go see it.
Barry Nester Duncan is a lecturer in a 3rd-rate college in a forgotten English sea-side town. He also runs the fan-club of a once-popular American singer-songwriter called Tucker Crowe, who disappeared 20-years ago after releasing an album called "Juliet". One day a cd arrives of early versions and outtakes of the songs on "Juliet", called "Juliet, Naked". Duncan's long-suffering girlfriend, Annie, writes a critical review of the disc on Duncan's blog, eliciting a talkback from Tucker Crowe himself. Their email relationship will grow into something more serious.Based on Nick Hornby's amusing book of the same name, the film is deliciously funny and full of clever twists. It pokes gentle fun at all the characters, who seem a little ridiculous but still ring true. The acting is superb, especially Rose Byrne, who plays Annie: middle-class, nearing middle-age, childless, attractive in a pinched, worried way, trying to do the right thing instead of letting herself go.You'll be grinning all through this delight, as Crowe tries to live down his past while Annie tries to break away from hers.Incidentally, Ethan Hawke, who plays Crowe, (yes, a Hawke pretending to be a Crowe: talk about a wolf in sheep's clothing!) also sings the vocals in what are supposed to be Crowe's songs, which play in the background.