Dark Crimes
Dark Crimes
R | 18 May 2018 (USA)
Dark Crimes Trailers

Tadek, a Polish detective, becomes suspicious of a controversial author when the incidents described in his unpublished novel resemble the inner workings of an unsolved murder.

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Tina Willis If you are like me, and have found yourself searching for hours upon hours for decent movies and have finally found some really GREAT ones in the Asian and Danish markets then you may like this movie. I LIKE subtle. I like dark. I dont like happy candyland flossy foo foo endings. I LIKE slow burners and characters that are shown with duality and characters shown like REAL people....Jim Carrey did a superb job and all of the actors backed him up with some good performances. The editing could of made some better choices, but it didnt ruin the movie Camera work and soundtrack was well done and appropriate for this movie genra. Some people complained about Jim Carrey whispering a lot. I never had a problem hearing him and I am hard of hearing. It was part of the character that he portrayed and portrayed excellently. He didn't even WALK like Carrey and often times I forgot that it was Carrey. The ending was AWESOME and un expected. I do not recommend this to the average audience. Please. Just skip it. Don't go ahead and watch it if it doesn't sound like your cup of tea then bash it. AGAIN. Reviewers seem to rate according to their tastes and not according to the work performed. I don't prefer action movies, so I don't watch them and then get pissy and call it a terrible movie. Just doesn't seem FAIR. This was a well made movie that I am sure will remain under rated.
mperry35 Sooooo mundane and boring. I literally dozed off 45 mins in...
lukem-52760 Wow what a different JIM CARREY we have here!!! & he was Excellent in this very dark crime Thriller, i think Carrey is great at Drama & this movie really shows how good an actor he really is, feels like we're FINALLY getting to see the REAL jim carrey,the Jim Carrey he always wanted to show on screen!!! I grew up watching Carrey like EVERYONE did as the rubber face crazy comic genius but there is NO trace of that Carrey here at all!!! Here is a powerful performance by the "New" Jim Carrey & i loved it. Dark Crimes itself is a very dark & dreary Crime Thriller & I'm not going into the story because this should be watched not knowing really anything about it except it's a dark crime Thriller & that's how i watched it, i didn't read or watch a single review i just heard about Jim Carrey doing this very serious crime Thriller & waited to buy it on dvd. So yeah this is a very good Thriller with a very moody atmosphere & very dreary & dark with a serious & excellent JIM CARREY who gives a fantastic performance with an accent!!! Just watch it & get hooked into the story like i did & I'm so looking forward to more darker serious roles by Carrey hopefully in the future? JIM CARREY has successfully transitioned from Comic legend to a great serious Actor
bliam138 There's no way this film should be a 4.6. Couldn't make it through, and I always watch everything through. Jim Carrey is in Razzie territory. He's jaw droppingly bad, his terrible accent rivals Dicapprio in Gangs of NY and Keanu in Dracula. Avoid this unless your morbid curiousty compels you