A Love Song for Bobby Long
A Love Song for Bobby Long
R | 02 September 2004 (USA)
A Love Song for Bobby Long Trailers

A headstrong young woman returns to New Orleans after the death of her estranged mother.

Interesteg What makes it different from others?
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Josef Roesler (madwand6) Travolta's best work ever and one of the few movies in a New Orleans setting that sounds like someone actually visited New Orleans at least once before they made the movie.
grantss Well-intentioned but doesn't quite hit the mark.A young woman, Pursy (played by Scarlett Johansson), learns that her estranged mother has died in New Orleans. She returns to her mother's house to discover that it is inhabited by two men, one an aging alcoholic, Bobby Long (John Travolta).Has potential as a story of reconciliation and unexpected friendships but doesn't ever really spark to life. The characters aren't that engaging. Bobby Long is initially quite repulsive and though he gets easier to like the further you get into the movie, I just never found him likable. Pursy is probably the most engaging but even she doesn't really have a direction, so you don't know how to support her.Plot seems to drag in the middle too, making the movie dull at times. End pulls everything together well and is a reward for getting through the movie. Quite emotional conclusion.Good work from Scarlett Johansson, then only 19 or so, in the lead role. John Travolta is okay as Bobby Long, but I can't help but feel he doesn't quite get the curmudgeonliness and Southern folksiness right. Someone like Billy Bob Thornton or Tommy Lee Jones would have been better in the role.
patricia92243 Just saw it on TV. Great, great movie.It makes me want to read the book.It is an absolute shame that it did not receive the publicity it needed and not be shown in all the big theaters.Also, in my opinion, it has a silly, unappealing title. Should have stuck to the title of the book.I hope it will get renewed interest now that it is showing on television.If it does get a second life, maybe the actors will not feel the disappointment they must have when it did not do so well in the past.
jerrywolfe A better title? The last hit by Bobby Long. Was this production underwritten by R.J. Reynolds? I've never seen so many cigarettes smoked in a single film. Or maybe it was just product placement gone wild? You can expect Travolta to be smoking as he does in almost everything he does, but every main cast person? By the way, it really doesn't take ten lines to express the visual problem with this film, but that's what the "guidelines" require. Who creates these "guideline"? Not every film reviewed is "Gone With The Wind", how about updating the guidelines so that shorter and to the point comments can be included? I can understand having an upper limit so that it doesn't get out of control, but a minimum of 10 lines?www.boskolives.wordpress.com
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