A Perfect Murder
A Perfect Murder
R | 05 June 1998 (USA)
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Millionaire industrialist Steven Taylor is a man who has everything but what he craves most: the love and fidelity of his wife. A hugely successful player in the New York financial world, he considers her to be his most treasured acquisition. But she needs more than simply the role of dazzling accessory.

Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
SincereFinest disgusting, overrated, pointless
Solidrariol Am I Missing Something?
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Dusan Petrovic This is almost the perfect plan of murder. Well...It's truth that money spins and Michael in this character was one of the rich businessman I hate the most. His company'd been ruined and his business, too. In that situation he felt that he was the man who had nothing to loose so he convinced her wife's lover ,who was pretending that he was the successful painter, to kill her. Guess, who was a guy, who had the law-full right to claim all of her money fond after her death.
Moacir Fuhr I didn't see the original, but this was awful. There is absolutety nothing "perfect" about this guy's plan. Everybody in this movie is actually quite stupidy: The husband, the lover, the wife, they all act like morons. The plan of the husband is idiotic and he end up killing the guy in a public place. Everybody end up dead in the end, except the adulteress wife. Terrible ending, by the way. I was waiting the entire film thinking: "I wanna see this perfect plan, its gonna by awesome", well, it's not. The script sucks! Don't waste your time watching this.
Davis P 1998's A Perfect Murder is a remake of the 1950s Alfred Hitchcock film, Dial M for Murder. This movie is well written, directed, and very well acted. A special shout out goes to Michael Douglas and his starring performance, I would say that he was the best out of all the actors here. But that's certainly not discounting Gwyneth Paltrow and Viggo, they were both very good too, I thought that Paltrow was particularly well casted as Emily Taylor, and Viggo was pretty good as David, not the absolute best performance I've ever seen, but good enough. The script and the dialogue between the characters was all well written in my opinion. I liked how the movie didn't seem just like a cheap way to make money, some remakes can turn out to be that way. But this remake certainly isn't a cheap way to make money, no, instead it is a well thought out entertaining movie. It's not too slow, but it's also not too fast, it has a really good pacing all the way through. The ending is very satisfying, or at least I thought it was. Overall A Perfect Murder gets a 9/10 for being a thrilling and very satisfying film. If you love thrillers and films that involve people conspiring against one another, this is definitely the one for you!
Leftbanker Spoiler Ahead! I really can't understand how anyone could have liked this movie. It was a tired story and poor in execution from start to finish. The only redeeming value was in the three principal performances which were great but not nearly enough to bail out this sinking ship of a thriller.First of all, if the artist David Shaw had as much talent as reported in the movie and he had a huge loft in NY he wouldn't have to lie about his past and he would have rich women lining up to have affairs with him. And $400,000 for a killing? He could make that on one over-rated painting if he sold it to some chump socialite.The big problem I have with films of this ilk is that they just aren't nearly as clever as they assume to be. Steven Taylor could have found a lot less complicated way to kill his wife for her money and by involving a known criminal in the mix all he does is throw in a lot more loose—and unreliable—ends.The final death struggle was preposterous. The guy had already attempted to kill her yet she confronts him alone in their apartment? Why not just invite him down into the unlit cellar instead? And then we have the ridiculously cliché dead-but-not-really-dead bad guy who gets yet one more chance to do her in. This tripe seems to be written by people who do nothing but watch crappy movies.Profoundly mediocre at its core.