One Point O
One Point O
R | 16 March 2004 (USA)
One Point O Trailers

Paranoid computer programmer Simon wakes up to find a package in his room one day. Despite attempts at securing his apartment, the packages keep arriving. While cameras watch Simon's every move, he struggles to find the answers to the mysterious forces taking over his life.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in. Has it ever happened to you to spend days while you are trying to get a certain information or a document? The office rats send you from one office to another ("Sure, ask my colleague from room 867 on the 16th floor"), you spend hours on the phone, then from one building to the opposite side of town ("Yes, we are open on Tuesday from 16.00 till 18.00 and on Thursday from 10.00 till 12.00"), and days pass and you feel being sucked in some insane surreal bureaucratic vortex. I experienced it more than once and - while I hope it didn't happen do you - I bet you went through this too.For a low budget sci-fi flick it does a smart move - the film captures you straight from the first frames due to a very unusual texture - sinister camera angles, eerie close-ups and noir-like lightning aren't just guests here. You're their guest.The colour solutions of "Version 1.0" remind me of an amazing robot horror movie by Richard Stanley, "Hardware" with its dominant dirty yellow and red shades. By the way, if you loved that robot horror dystopian film, you'd definitely enjoy "Version 1.0". The monotone decay atmosphere is present in both.The cast deserves a special mention. Jeremy Sisto and Deborah Unger in the main roles were perfect, not some outstanding performances, but the film's secondary characters really gave it a particular savour. Lance Henriksen (Bishop in "Aliens", Alien 3"), Bruce Payne ("Passenger 57", "Necronomicon"), Udo Kier (secondary roles in "Suspiria", "Blade", "Armageddon", "Dogville", "Grindhouse") - all these guys are amazing character actors, but I particularly loved Lance Henriksen's role as basement dwelling bum. "Version 1.0" is a hypnotizing surreal cyberpunk brilliantly portraying monotone paranoid decay, woven of many elements like Dadaism, Kafka, Lynch, Cronenberg, noir, surrealism, consumerism, corporations, depression, sex addictions and, finally, turns up to be a very satisfying science fiction. I would love to watch it again and it's the best compliment a movie can receive. For any science fiction fan I'd surely say it's a must-see.
NateWatchesCoolMovies One Point O is a strange, beautiful film, with a script so curious and engaging it stays in your thoughts and dreams long after the credits roll. Many of the questions asked by the film remain unanswered and concepts left ambiguous at the film's conclusion, and although this is not for everyone's tastes, I for one love this type of storytelling most out of all the narrative templates. There's nothing I love more than a difficult, surreal and challenging film that let's the viewer ponder what has actually happened. Jeremy Sisto is restrained and vague as Simon, the paranoid computer programmer who is having troubles with his fellow residents in the dank, dimly lit, creepy apartment complex in which he lives. Bruce Payne is hilariously weird as his rambunctious, kooky neighbor, and the always lovely and talented Deborah Kara Unger is great as a moody, messed up girl he has relations with. Lance Henriksen steaks the show however, as a philosophical bum/caretaker of the building. He is positively dynamic and electric in his role, and the very last scene with benevolent monologue is the kicker of the whole film.If you enjoy cryptic, open ended storytelling, unconventional casting and cinematography and an eerie, unsettling atmosphere to rival anything by David Lynch or similar filmmakers.
Vonatrox Paranoia 1.0 portrayed a not-so-distant future of isolation and corruption. Our protagonist - Simon J - suffers from the very beginning and his deteriorating state grows exponentially by the end. There is a clever gimmick behind his "sickness" which I can agree to be plausible.This cinematic adventure's strengths are not in the casting, but in a grim atmosphere that entices the viewer with a special peek into the world of a paranoid being. This is done exceedingly well and I give much respect to the set designers. Overall, 1.0 is a look into what corporate power may one day be able to exact upon the masses, in ever evolving, technologically proficient world.
electravenus Maybe just another conspiracy theory movie, this one is particularly special, because would be the first one to deal with publicity and marketing issues. I study communication and the theories the movie presents are no crazier or more neurotic than Baudrillard's, who is considered one of the communication post-modernist masters. Brainwashing is an old topic? Perhaps, but having the possibility of giving wings to our own doubts on how much visual propaganda and subliminal ads lead us, is quite interesting. Maybe it is not so surreal if you really go beyond the lack of story and holes in the plot. Catch the overview criticism the movies makes and we'll realize the facts which the film brings are not that impossible, or they won't exist only in the future. Minimize and rationalize their paranoia, get the symbolisms and metaphors and maybe the movie is based on the real media. Interesting movie. Don't take it literally though, otherwise it will obviously be another paranoia movie and nothing else.