Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
PG-13 | 23 June 2009 (USA)
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Trailers

Sam Witwicky leaves the Autobots behind for a normal life. But when his mind is filled with cryptic symbols, the Decepticons target him and he is dragged back into the Transformers' war.

GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
michaelbiland This film rightfully deserves it's rating of 3 - Garbage. Because that's all it is and ever will be. In a nutshell, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is a victim of many things: the 2007/2008 'Writer's Strike', that resulted in the film's incoherent plot. It's also a victim of Michael Bay's obnoxious humour, that is crammed into this movie, and a victim of Michael's signature plain cringey moments that permeate this film to the core. It's also a victim of Michael Bay's terrible oversexualisation, that also permeates most of his films. Those things drag this film down to the terrible state it's in. But there are some good things about this film. The Forest Battle is excellent and is the best action scene in all the Bayformers films, ironically. And the CGI is very good, just as good as Jablonsky's epic score for this film. But these things don't save this steaming pile of garbage. Don't see this film unless you want to appreciate good movies even more because of it.
Justin Van Allen I grew up a huge fan of the Transformers cartoon in the 1980s so therefore I do not like this crap, there is so much going on, Im like what am I even looking at, you cant tell whos who Ugh, In the cartoons they was very distinct looking they tried to make em look too complex plus in the cartoon they had personalities and there was dynamics of relationships, this is just blah never want to see it again
bensonmum2 What a mess! Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (Transformers 2 for the rest of this) fails in almost every way possible. You have a $200,000,000 or so budget and this is the best you can do? I'm not sure how often I've used this word to describe a film, but Transformers 2 is just stupid. Here's the long, but still incomplete, list of my many problems with the movie:1. The plot is a disaster. More accurately, I should say the film lacks a plot. The movie is little more than one gag after the next, whether it's an attempt at comedy or a visual gag, none of it really flows into a cohesive film. I suppose the main point of the film is a Decepticaon known as The Fallen wants to use a machine buried under the pyramids to destroy the Sun. Why? It's never really explained why he wants to do this. If it is, it's lost in all the nonsense included in Transformers 2. The "destroy the Sun" bit is really nothing more than a McGuffin designed to make The Fallen look evil and create an adversary for Optimus to fight. There's no other purpose to it.2. The comedy in this thing is misplaced and rarely funny. The "comedy" bits with the parents, the twin Autobots, and the roommate - none of their attempts at comedy are funny in the least. The parents are more cringey than funny, the twins are more offensive than funny, and the roommate is more annoying than funny. It doesn't work.3. The runtime at 2.5 hours is at least an hour too long. There's so much unnecessary crap in Transformers 2 that could have been cut to make a tighter, more focused film. The scenes with the parents, the scenes with the roommate, and the whole Army/government power struggle could have been cut without affecting what little plot the movie has. Sitting through one unnecessary scene after the next makes Transformers 2 longer than it should have been and an incredibly arduous process.4. I know some praise the special effects, but to me, they're weak. The robots look horrible. If they weren't meant to be giant piles of random junk thrown together haphazardly, then director Michael Bay succeeded in presenting his vision. But if all the expensive CGI was meant to present interesting, unique characters, the special effects fail on an epic scale. In the big fight scenes, it's almost impossible to distinguish on robot form the next. They all look equally horrible and just alike.5. I suppose my biggest complaint and what all this leads to is that I'm not much of a fan of MIchael Bay's style of directing. Bigger and louder don't necessarily mean better. And the way the film jumps from one scene to the next, it makes me wonder if there's not a 6-year old with ADD trapped inside Bay's body. It gets annoying after about 5 minutes. Don't misunderstand - you can make a big special effects film if you've got a good story and interesting characters. But Bay seems to think that all you need to do is throw a wad of cash at CGI and that makes a good movie. Well, it doesn't as Transformers 2 proves.
jacobjohntaylor1 This is a great movie. It has a great story line. It also has great acting. It also has great special effects. I is very fast past. 6 is a good ratting. But this is such are movie that 6 is underrating. The first movie of Transformers is better. Transformers dark of the moon is better. Transformers age of extinction is also better. Transformers the the last knight is also better. But still this a great movie. It is not a 6 it is an 8. See this movie. It is a lot better then V for vendetta. If you like science fiction movies or action movies. Then you will like this movie. It is better then Batman the movie (1966). And that is not easy to do. This is one great movie.