Dark Water
Dark Water
PG-13 | 08 July 2005 (USA)
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Dahlia Williams and her daughter Cecelia move into a rundown apartment on New York's Roosevelt Island. Dahlia is in the midst of divorce proceedings, and the apartment, though near an excellent school for her daughter, is all she can afford. From the time she arrives, there are mysterious occurrences—and there is a constant drip from the ceiling in her daughter's bedroom…

Alicia I love this movie so much
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
hongkong666 This is an amazingly good movie! With a lot of depths, atmosphere and superb acting Jennifer Connelly delivers one of the best performances seen from her to date. Don't fall for the Horror label though, as you might be disappointed expecting something super scary or blood and gore. This movie takes its time to build, flashes out the necessary characters and even though there are some "ghostly" moments to be seen, they are more of a tool to underline the dark and eerie tone of this movie. Dealing with the topic of depression and the stuggles of a divorce, this movie is dedicated to a mature audience who is actually able to comprehend what truly is going on, to read between the lines... maybe even to reflect on the own inner demons. Keep your eyes nailed to the screen and enjoy the ride, hopefully one day this movie will become a true classic!
Davis P It is true that Jennifer Connolly does give an impressive very dedicated performance as a recently divorced mother that is becoming more and more unglued because of strange mysterious goings on in her and her young daughter's new apartment. The goings on really aren't "scary" per say, they mainly focus on the Mom's very painful and troubled childhood, that is a main focus point throughout the film. We see a lot of flashbacks of her and her own mother while she was growing up, and they aren't pleasant memories. I thought the movie would be different than what it actually turned out to be. To me, it was a movie that contained poor dialogue, and a story that didn't go much of anywhere, it just kinda fell flat in the end for me personally. I would've liked to see a better more thrilling and surprising plot, and I always hate whenever a film goes for a good period of time with nothing of any real substance happening, and I feel like this movie did exactly that. If you're looking for an interesting movie that has an intriguing plot and thriller like aspects, I would advise you to look elsewhere for entertainment. Yes, Connolly gives a pretty good performance, but you cannot ask one actor to carry the entire project, and I think she tried, but ultimately it just didn't have all the necessary parts that much up a good film. 3/10.
Filmman1900 This was one if the best drama/horror movies in some time. Jennifer Connelly proves she is seriously a great actress. You really get involved with this film, I loved the cast and locations worked a charm. Tim Roth was great as usual but I think the young actress was superb too. This surprised me how low the rating was it shows how stupid the audience can be for not seeing the big picture with this movie.There were enough scares but it was more of a mind thinking film as opposed to cheap scares and gore.The tension was there the whole film and that was good to see. I think this deserves a lot more praise but the budget seems way to high for me could have been done for a lot less.Still a very good film I highly recommend to see.
meganthomson1 As many other reviewers have mentioned before this movie was wrongly marketed as a horror movie. I found it to be more of a psychological horror rather than a pop-up scary faces type deal. The movie was extremely effective in creating an unsettling, suspenseful atmosphere and I found myself roped into Jennifer Connelly's characters' fear and uncertainty as it becomes hard to distinguish what's real and what's not. A lot of time was taken to establish character and atmosphere which was done effectively although I felt sometimes it lost it's way and some scenes could have been left out. All in all it was a well done movie with great characters that brought you in, an excellently created atmosphere that kept things suspenseful and had me feeling unsettled and a beautiful, bittersweet ending. (P.S. hope everyone's done with their generalizations of teenagers because you're sounding like a bunch of bitter old farts who's never actually met one.)