2010: Moby Dick
2010: Moby Dick
| 23 November 2010 (USA)
2010: Moby Dick Trailers

That infamous whale is bigger, badder and a whole lot stronger in this sci-fi reimagining of Herman Melville’s classic tale of the battle between man, sea and sea creature starring “Xena” alum Rene O’Connor as the (traditionally male) narrator. But the boat — now a high-tech submarine — is also bigger, and Capt. Ahab is as determined as ever to settle the score and take down the mighty sea mammal that maimed him.

Maidgethma Wonderfully offbeat film!
Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
pointyfilippa The movie runs out of plot and jokes well before the end of a two-hour running time, long for a light comedy.
RandalllFlagg There is so much wrong with this film, there's no need to describe it. All I have to say is this: The hunt was awesome. The CGI sucked. Yet, the story was solid. I actually enjoyed this horrible movie. As an old Boatswain's Mate, Third class. 1.7 thumbs up.
rushknight At this point in time, Asylum movies are among the worst in all of creation. You don't get to be this bad without effort.Anyone watching this movie in the hopes that it will be anything more than a cheap sucker-punch at the classic novel Moby Dick will be disappointed in the worst way. If you were expecting a remotely plausible story with reasonably capable actors and even some worthwhile special effects, then you should have never watched a movie made by Asylum. You are very behind on the times if you don't know that Asylum doesn't do that sort of thing.It is soul-crushingly bad. It's like watching despair. So much so that I'm beginning to suspect that they are doing it on purpose. Nothing else could possibly explain how they can relentlessly churn out terrible movie after terrible movie, with absolutely no shame. I'm truly starting to believe that Asylum is in fact dedicated to the less-than-noble cause of making their mark as the worst movie making company in history. All of the things that a good movie needs will never be found in an Asylum motion picture. They need a trophy for epic failure in movie making.But it's not all bad. Asylum is definitely good at one thing: Making movies so bad that they mysteriously 180-themselves into something good. This movie didn't really succeed at that, but it did have some very entertaining moments. The "special effects" are notably radical; certain scenes with the whale literally caused me to slip out of my chair laughing, and the look on the doctor's face nearly caused me to have a stroke (watch it and you'll see what I mean). For that reason alone I'm giving the movie a 2 instead of a 1.
GL84 After being abducted and taken aboard a futuristic submarine, a scientist and her assistant find themselves involved in the captain's mad quest of vengeance against the legendary 500-foot long whale responsible for his disfigurement and a trail of carnage along the water.Overall, this is a perfectly fine and decent creature feature, based mainly upon the fact that it really features a lot more original material than would be expected since it's based on the familiar story quite well. Being a modern-day adaptation allows for some more fun in some key areas, as there's some really entertaining and exciting underwater chases involving submarines, torpedos, traps, and such, which is something that's a lot of fun and really amps the film up considerably. The final fight in the island cove also works pretty well, but the film does suffer from the same old thing regarding the Sci-Fi Channel originals, the lame CGI that rarely matches the action presented as well as the fact that this one has a lot of extraneous subplots to stretch the running time out which are pretty silly, but the CGI is the main thing holding this down and keeping it fairly mediocre.Rated Unrated/R: Language and Violence.
thebigziebinski So. Right off the bat...just so you know me, I love cheesy movies. I've even seen Bloodsport 4 twice and survived (it sucks vomitisly)**If you choose to watch this one, have the expectation that it is horrible- and you might enjoy it. The entire budget was $500,00..that doesn't buy much these days**This movie, 2010: Moby Dick, is cheesy, but the stripped down heart of it is a sound movie, which essentialy the original story. ...ishI loved the book and the original Gregory Peck adaptation - and this one is basically a parallel universe version, if you are into those ideals. Many main things are the same (or close enough in a parelell way); characters - Ahab, Stubb, Flask, Starbuck, Boomer(with one arm) - and they are truer to the originals. Quequeeq, Pip are modified, and Ishmael took a fabulous change lol.The main plot points are similar. Ahab loses leg/sanity, goes for revenge. Boomer loses arm, thinks Ahab is insane. Starbuck challenges Ahab's orders. The Pequod, The Rachel are there. Famous lines are quoted. So it's still accurate enough. .....But the things that are not accurate kinda put a bad taste in my mouth. The original is all about revenge on a whale that keeps to himself mostly. Will only attach when getting attacked by whalers. So it's like, yeah Ahab you are insane. This whale goes out of it's way to attack things..cruise ships, oil rigs, anything. So when Ahab goes after him, it's more for the right reasons of wanting to stop a monster, with a tinge of revenge in it. So now you want the 'monster' to lose and nutso Ahab to win. And that changes the atmosphere of it all a bit too much. And then the 'revenge plot' vs 'the right thing to do plot' does not mix for the whole main point of the plot, and kinda derails the film.(if it wasn't already)But I did like it up mostlyish kinda sorta. I also love Gremlins 2, so take it for what it's worth