| 16 March 2018 (USA)
Josie Trailers

Everyone knows everyone in the southern town of Baymont. So when tattooed, sweet-talking Josie struts into town, heads turn. Striking up relationships with young punk Gator and loner Hank, she quickly becomes a hot topic of local gossip.

TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
eve_dolluk I went into this film knowing little about it and left having to have inner discussions with my moral compass.I don't to give much away but the ending is quite intense and while at times during the film there is clues as to its direction they are not entirely obvious.Josie is a young girl new to a small town who befriends her neighbour. He is older and in his 40s while she is high school.Their relationship also involves Josies new boy friend from high school in a kind of love triangle.The film is quite slow so don't expect any action or fast paced dialogue. Everything plods along with hreat cinamotography and a drawling country and western soundtrack.The performances are very good from the 3 main characters and veey good from the supporting cast.Im not sure why this scores so low though.Only thing I can think of is that its a bit slow and the ending is a bit harsh. Having said that its a good film to reflect on an action and reaction situation. Following orders is never an excuse for wrongdoing, we learnt that with Hitler and the Nazis. We have been punishing people for years for committing war crimes during wars and their excuse was just following orders.Unfortunately thats just not good enough.
drgreenthumb1001 McDermotts acting is great in this, but I digress.A few days before I watched this film, I tried had an argument on social media over what I view as Americans lacking ethics and a strong moral base.This movie is a classic example of that. Im sorry, but Josie taking out her Fathers murderous wishes in revenge, makes her no better than anyone else, in fact, she is the one who needs locked up and the needle stuck in her arm.Let me put it to you this way, Josie blaming prison guards for her innocent father being put to death, is like being mad at the police for enforcing the law. Example: Should cops be stomping all over poeples rights, seizing their cash and property, arresting them and throwing them in jail all because of a little pot? A vast majority of Americans think No, but our out of touch, Oligarchs in Washington DC, dont care what we want, so they have the police do their "dirty work".My point is, the protagonist in this movie is a moron who thinks that the people to blame for her Father being put to death are the SECURITY GUARDS at the prison, and not the politicians, scumbag lawyers, judges, and people in power who railroaded her Father.To add to the sheer absurdity that she would even get away with this, is the back-handed insults at the expense of Texas was unnecessary and just more Hollywood bigotry towards red states, which the hateful Hollywood bigots want seen as normalized. Maybe Hollywood should try treating people they look down on, like woman for instance, with respect.
Mister Co. Yes, the performances are decent (Sophie Turner acts better than she even did in Game Of Thrones and Dylan Mcdermott shows, once again, that he's a hugely under-rated actor) but it's rather slow and uninvolving and the 'big twist' is so blindingly obvious...
grindd-53913 Awful movie with a terrible plot that has very little if any believable aspects to it.