| 08 June 2006 (USA)
Ghetto Trailers

In 1942, in Vilna, the Nazi annihilate 55,000 Jews and squeeze the 15,000 survivors in a seven blocks ghetto. The twenty-two year old sadistic commander Kittel is assigned to administrate the ghetto in the capital of Lithuania, becoming the master of life or death. When he finds the gorgeous Hayyah sneaking with one kilo of beam stolen from the German army, he sentences her to death; but when he is informed that she was a former successful singer, he decides to activate the old theater and promote shows in the ghetto. The Jew Chief of Police Gens uses the theater and a sewing factory to save as much lives as he can; in his ambiguous position, he kills Jews to save lives of others.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
AndyBrotherton I stumbled across this film by accident. And boy am I glad I did. I was hooked from the very start. A superbly made film. A great script, story and camera work. And the lighting is very good.The story is about a lot of Jewish people living in a ghetto during the 2nd word war in Lithuania. The main plot confuses you with the story of a German officer,who you can't tell or not is trying to save the Jews in the Ghetto. He was/is an artist and so he is drawn to the Jewish artists within the ghetto. They form a theatre while the Russians get ever closer to liberating them. And well I won't say any more and won't spoil it for anyone. Just watch it. It is an awesome film.
Claudio Carvalho In 1942, in Vilna, the Nazi annihilate 55,000 Jews and squeeze the 15,000 survivors in a seven blocks ghetto. The twenty-two year old sadistic commander Kittel (Sebastian Hülk) is assigned to administrate the ghetto in the capital of Lithuania, becoming the master of life or death. When he finds the gorgeous Hayyah (Erika Marozsán) sneaking with one kilo of beam stolen from the German army, he sentences her to death; but when he is informed that she was a former successful singer, he decides to activate the old theater and promote shows in the ghetto. The Jew Chief of Police Gens (Heino Ferch) uses the theater and a sewing factory to save as much lives as he can; in his ambiguous position, he kills Jews to save lives of others."Ghetto" is an impressively cruel and depressive movie. The first point that impresses the viewer is certainly the cruelty and sadism of Kittel. Sebastian Hülk has an awesome performance in the role of the despicable Kittel and deserved a nomination to the Oscar. The screenplay does not spare the reality of the lives of the dwellers of this ghetto and their fight to survive in times of war, including the beginning of their resistance. However, it does not show the final destruction of the ghetto after a failed uprising on 01 September 1943 organized by the first Jewish partisan unit in Nazi-occupied Europe (the "Fareinigte Partizaner Organizacje" - the United Partisan Organization). The beauty of Erika Marozsán and the dramatic and conflictive position of Gens brilliantly performed by Heino Ferch, are also amazing. The music score gives a touch of class to this great Lithuanian production. My vote is seven.Title (Brazil): "Ghetto"
Ritz83 I saw this film when I spent some time in Vilnius. Not long before I head spent some time in the genocide museum in the Lithuanian capital and I was fascinated by there history, especially during WWII. Since this movie was spoken in English, and everyone was talking about it I went to see it in one of the big theaters. It added to the experience to be in the city where the story took place, but regardless, it was very well done, it just seemed to be unsure whether it was a musical, play or war movie. That made it very original but also confusing at times. I see it as a lighthearted approach of something good during very bad times. Meaning that the tone of the movie switched often and took the audience of guard, which is a great thing, but it should have been done more subtle.I must add that the acting was superb, and my hat's off to Hülk, great performance!
naurimas-1 The activities of the Jewish theater are depicted in an interesting way in the brutal environment. It is shown how the people learn to appreciate theater, forget problems and enjoy art which brings spiritual calmness.At the same time you can see the struggle and sad things of the Jewish nation in the ghetto and struggle against the Nazis.The passionate, but one-sided love story between the Nazis officer and the actress, singer of the ghetto is interesting to see and reflect upon.I liked about this movie was an interesting love story between the Nazi officer who loves the Jewish actress, singer of the ghetto.The movie was based on the script of the famous Jewish play writer Joshua Sobol.Again, the title of the movie is Ghetto (2006).It is coming to Europe, during the last week of April it will be shown in the UK, later in Netherlands. I hope you will see this movie.It is somewhat similar as Spielberg's "Schindler's list" because of the episodes when the German saves many Jews.Also it partially reminds of Roman Polanski "Pianist", because in this movie, the German officer tries to preserve music during the painful time of war.