Cadillac Man
Cadillac Man
R | 18 May 1990 (USA)
Cadillac Man Trailers

Joe's a car salesman with a problem—he has two days to sell 12 cars or he loses his job. This would be a difficult task at the best of times but Joe has to contend with his girlfriends (he's two-timing), a missing teenage daughter and an ex-wife.

SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Paul Magne Haakonsen "Cadillac Man" is an in-your-face type of comedy, as it is a fast paced, relentless and very chaotic type of comedy. You might think that to be too much, but even though it never slows down or backs down, you are in for some good fun and good entertainment.The story is about Joey (played by Robin Williams), a car salesman pressed hard on his luck. Things are stacked up above his head, and everything comes tumbling down when his coworker Donna's disgruntled boyfriend Larry (played by Tim Robbins) show up at the car lot with guns and explosives.While this comedy is not one that will leave you in tears from laughing, the comedy used is straight to the point and it matches the outrageous feel there is to the entire movie.Robin Williams and Tim Robbins are performing quite well in this movie, and they do compliment one another acting side by side. I had seen this movie before, but I didn't remember that Fran Drescher was in the movie too, and she did a good job with her role as well.If you enjoy the Robin Williams movies and comedy then "Cadillac Man" should be watched. It is fast paced fun and is filled with great characters and good dialogue. Well-worth spending about an hour and a half on watching.
pinokiyo This is playing on TV right now and it is so annoying.It started out a bit interesting about a car salesman, but rest of the film seemed like it turned into a whole new genre; it's a mess -- all it ends up being is an annoying stress viewing experience about a hostage with everyone screaming CONSTANTLY that it will make your ears bleed.It will make you want to tell all the cast to just shut up. Thankfully, I did not have to pay for this.The mute button on the remote was invented for films like this.The film is a giant mess. If you want to stress yourself out on a film with everyone screaming and yelling, knock yourself out on this one.
J. Wellington Peevis Jealous husband holds car dealership hostage while Williams burdens the viewer with his worn out Mork shtick at every turn. Yawn.Pay channel grist. An uncommonly bad script coupled with a less than convincing Robin Williams as a slick talking, philandering Queens car salesman caught up in a hostage workplace crisis. The laughs aren't there, the message(s) or morals are just all wrong, and the film cant ever decide on whether its a comedy or drama. Pretty good cast all acting pretty badly. When a movie ages so badly so quickly, you got yourself a stinker. Not much else to be said other than maybe, avoid at all costs. Textbook mediocre movies like this are actually more tedious, and less enjoyable than the over the top bombs.
MovieAddict2016 So-so comedy starring Robin Williams as a Cadillac dealer, whose shop is held hostage by maniac Tim Robbins. The film has a good premise, but takes over an hour to get to the hostage part, leaving about thirty minutes to squeeze in the actual humor. The rest of the movie is all about Williams' private life. Just not very funny, some very missed potential.2 of 5John Ulmer