Dead Man on Campus
Dead Man on Campus
R | 21 August 1998 (USA)
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Two college roommates venture out to identify a fellow student, who is most likely to commit suicide as it will help them pass the semester.

Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
camachbr0 I was drawn to this film because Randy Pearlstein (Buckley) is a mentor of mine and Lochlyn Munro is the funniest actor on the planet. If you don't think so watch the first 20 minutes of Scary Movie, and Night at the Roxbury. This film lives on their performances alone. Josh and Cooper are freshman. Cooper didn't come to school to study and Josh, on a scholarship, can't make decisions for himself. Cooper gets Josh wasted, gets him laid, but gets him failing his classes. (Literally F,F,F,F,F) Cooper gets busted up by his dad who tells him he's going to be working in the mill, devoid of all sunlight, if he doesn't pick up his grades. Josh doesn't have Cooper's family money, so he needs the scholarship to stay in school. Solution, find an unstable roommate to move in, and make them kill themselves. This is like a SAW! It's fun to see Jason Segel, Linda Cardinelli, Alyson Hannigan look young, and play funny college students. However leading men Tom Scott, and Mark Gosselaar come off as really annoying and sometimes undistinguishable. It's UNBEARABLE when Josh repeats "my guy". Cooper is an unlikable bad influence. (Steve Stifler had some heart) There's nothing the film establishes about Cooper that's good for Josh. Josh's love interest could have been better developed. The patchy ending isn't to my liking either. It's definitely ALL dumb fun leading up to its silly, interesting premise and especially when they're testing suicide candidates. But when it's time to get down to it, the climax, the drama, there's really nothing to be taken serious. Lochlyn Munro needs a leading role as this character he played in the late 90s.
bubbathom This movie had a very good storyline. It was just executed poorly. The actors were OK, but I thought Gosselaar was kind of annoying. The funniest part was one of the mental guys they brought in who thought Bill Gates was trying to kill him. He was pretty funny, but they didn't have him in a lot of scenes. I didn't think it was close to Animal House, but then again, it is just my opinion. I thought the ending was pretty clever and kind of funny. That's about it for me though. I won't say it's overrated like many other people, because it's just my point of view, someone else might think this is the best movie ever. I wish they would have executed it a little bit better, it may have turned out kind of like Superbad. As I said, the plot was very good. Just some better dialogue, and maybe different actors. It would be kind of cool to see something like a remake. But that usually only happens with famous movies. Anyways, pretty boring.3/10.
TOMASBBloodhound Anyone tempted to look down their nose at the plot which trivializes collegiate suicide will not be able to overlook one important fact: This is still a very funny film. Mark-Paul Gosselaar and Tom Everett Scott play two college kids who spend too much time partying and suddenly need perfect grades to stay in school. Scott is a financially challenged student who came on an academic scholarship. Anything less than a B+ and he can kiss that scholarship goodbye. Gosselaar is a spoiled, rich party animal whose father threatens to cut him off and force him to clean toilets if he flunks out. After bombing their mid-terms, the boys need a miracle. A local in a bar tells them of a loophole in the school charter that will award anyone straight A's if their roommate dies. Since they have a spare bed now that their other roommate is always at his girlfriend's place, they decide to move in any potentially suicidal student and hope he dies. Maybe even help him do it if need be. Any hair-brained scheme like that is bound to lead to all sorts of complications, and it certainly does here. Most of them are absolutely hilarious.The film has several funny moments and decent performances. Mark-Paul Gosselaar has always been a dependable TV actor, and he provides several laughs as Coop. Most of them involve him disturbing his more serious roommate who is always trying to study. Tom Everett Scott plays the straight man Josh. He was supposed to be the next Tom Hanks back in the 1990s. This has yet to happen, but he is likable and continues to work regularly in television. The chemistry and timing is usually right on the spot between the two. Probably the next best thing about the film is the would-be depressed British rocker they move into their suite because he seems suicidal. It turns out this guy is the epitome of the word "poser". Lochlyn Munro has some funny bits, but he might have been a little too much. Remember that John Belushi was not on the screen as much in Animal House, and that actually made him funnier. Sometimes less really is more.There is one hell of a lot of dope smoking and drinking in this film, but that's what college is all about for some people. Coop has a bong about as tall as he is. The film tries to redeem the two main characters in the final ten minutes by giving them a serious situation to deal with. Do they redeem themselves? Well yes and no. Well, actually no. You'll have to decide for yourself. If anyone tries to tell you this movie isn't funny, don't listen. It IS funny. A gem from the previous decade all but forgotten. 7 of 10 stars.The Hound.
Brian2005 I started to watch this movie not expecting anything other than a few laughs. It turned out to be a lot more, Hilarious is the word I'm looking for. Basic plot revolves around 2 collage students, both roommates, one is smart(Josh) and wants to do the best he can in his exams, he studies and doesn't party. The other(Cooper) is intent on doing no work, doesn't go to his classes, likes his bong and late night party's. Cooper slowly pulls Josh into his world of Partys and Beer and it starts to show on his Collage work. Then comes the wacky loophole that if they have a roommate that commits suicide then there other roommates automatically pass there exams. Now, Enter the wacky roommates, handpicked by Cooper and Josh, that are all "on the edge". The rest will have your sides splitting. All the Characters play their parts well, especially the insane roommates, but none more so than Cliff. He steals the show and whenever the film was getting boring and uninteresting, he would pop back up and bring this hilarious comedy back to life. Typical Teenage comedy packed with laughs but a rather far fetched plot, Cliff's wacky ways of dealing with cop car chases and putting out hair fires make this stand out above most.