Tales from the Far Side
Tales from the Far Side
| 26 October 1994 (USA)
Tales from the Far Side Trailers

A series of Gary Larsen's "Far Side" gags are turned into short animated gags, such as a Frankenstein cow; an insect airline's in-flight movie; deers, hunters, and ufos; wolf home-movies; egg horror flicks; and cowboys & aliens.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Horst in Translation (filmreviews@web.de) "Tales from the Far Side" is an animated cartoon that runs for slightly under half an hour and was written by Gary Larson and directed by Marv Newland. It is from 1994, so had its 20th anniversary already 2 years ago. I personally felt there were some okay snippets in this collection of short films, but overall, it was just really more absurd than funny or interesting. I would say that this little film here is pretty much on par with the sequel that followed a couple years later. Ultimately, I found both extremely forgettable and nowhere near what I would have hoped for based on the rating they got. I guess it must have been fairly successful as otherwise they would not have greenlit a sequel. I myself give it a thumbs down. Not recommended.
Madsemann Nordmann This is just great!! It's so typical Gary Larson, the drawings and the humor. Add some animation, and Puff - you've got you're self some quality cartoon out of the ordinary! Much better than the Disney junk (lately) or the stuff on Cartoon-Network (bad)! Hard to say what I like the most about these to wonderful cartoon-treasures, but I know one thing for sure, all of them are great. Some are just greater than others. Gary Larson's Tales from the Far Side come in two parts, Far Side 1 and 2 (they come from your TV or in the mail)(to bad they don't come on DVD :( ) and they serve quality humor. You will laugh. You will smile. It's highly recommendable.. :) IF you are lucky enough to get one, though, I live in Norway and I've never seen it for sale. Might be in the UK, but you're lucky if you find one.
Scott Piehler I am a HUGE fan of Gary Larson, but I've got to admit, this one creeped me out. I only watched it once, on its original airing, but I remember walking away from it thinking "I'm not sure I really liked that."Something about the translation from printed page to animation didn't quite work. It took on more of an air of a horror flick as opposed to the strip's sense of on-the-edge humor.In some ways, it's kind of like a creepier, less funny version of the Simpsons "Treehouse Of Horror" episodes. Another way to look at it: an animated "Tales From The Crypt."Worth a look if you can find it, but expect more "ewww" than "ha-ha."
Robert Reynolds The cartoon is a series of strips that have been animated or in one or two cases, individual strips have been expanded from the original single panel and extended somewhat to draw out the gag. Anyone who read "The Far Side" pretty much knows what to expect. All of Larson's basic standards-cows. bears, et cetera-are here in all their glory. If you like Larson, you'll like this.