The Perfect Score
The Perfect Score
PG-13 | 30 January 2004 (USA)
The Perfect Score Trailers

Six high school seniors decide to break into the Princeton Testing Center so they can steal the answers to their upcoming SAT tests and all get perfect scores.

Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
davidsawyer-me It would have been easier if those kids had simply studied like they were supposed to instead of blaming tests. The ton of work they put into risking their lives and futures to break into a building to take a test that simply to cheat is a horrible premise. This show was not making any rebellious statement or moral story of any kind shape or form. Since there was nothing else on TV to watch I happen to come across this stupid movie and thing that its got to be one of the worst premises ever. These kids could have could have done the make up exam and still had enough time to study aka brush up. Also if they were going to do that terrible on the tests anyway this didn't deserve to pass. It's not fair to those who spent their young lives actually studying. I hate the whole "lets blame standardized tests" premise anyway. It's not at all like people think it is. This is just a movie for those who are jealous of those who mutually study and work for a living. Not some dumb jock that happens to be a idiot savant at math and would have passed the test anyway, or some blond 4.0 student that has a mental impairment. She needs therapy not a stolen test. If she's that screwed in the head she's probably not going to make it in college or the career world anyway. And do we really need another Asian Stereotype in a movie? Just got to love hollywoods bigoted and racist stereotyping. I didn't do well on my SAT test but over the years I was given a ton of chance to make up for it. I also hate the fact that movies like this make community colleges or state universities look like scumbag schools when they are not. State colleges and community colleges have cranked out some very successful pillars of our society. Not to mention there are a ton of famous, rich, smart, intelligent, famous inventors that never even went to college. But anyway, like I said, it would have been easier and far less work if the kids simply studied like they should have or at least crammed before the make up. This movie is a big FAIL!
napierslogs "The Perfect Score" is like your typical high school movie. When things get tough (the SATs), the not-so-tough turn to crime (stealing the SATs). These students are able to justify their crime with their morally-weak minds. That at least is like high school I know, self-important students are able to justify anything if it's something they want.They tried to present us with both plot and characters. These are characters we've all seen many times before, including such classics as the sports star, the over-achiever, the stoner, and the better-than-thou rebel. They are all painfully, predictably cliché. The plot is why they get at least a few stars but not many.Where "The Perfect Score" falters the most, is with the 'hooks' MTV tried to give it: it's narrated by the stoner, and everyone speaks with only swear words. Stoners of course typically speak slower than an average person which just make all the predictable things he's going to say and the inevitable events happen even slower. The exaggerated use of swear words I'm assuming is just to give the movie an edge. Just remember that this is produced by MTV, that should be all I have to say.
Jessica Carvalho Six high school students from different backgrounds are frightened because the upcoming SAT exam. None of them was great in the first exam as they should be, and the perspective of their futures being destroyed, makes them conspire together to steal the answers. In this way, they can get perfect scores and have the success they need.''The Perfect Score'' is a teen comedy and the only actress I recognize in this movie, is Scarlett Johansson. The movie is ordinary and weak and no one has a great acting in it, Scarlett Johansson included. The characters are boring and the romance in it is cheesy as well. The thing I liked the most was the end of it, because it came with some surprises. If the movie ended how I expected it to end, for sure I would give a lower rate. The good thing about this movie, is to show how S.A.T is terrible and how it scares the students.Many important things, like the students grades in school,are not taken care of.I don't think this is the worst movie of all, but sure is far from being the best teen movie I already watched.For my own surprise, the character I liked the most was Roy, the Chinese drug addicted and super genius student.
view_and_review Some teens want to guarantee their entry into college, so they come up with a seemingly brilliant scheme to steal the answers to the SAT. Each of them has his or her own reasons for wanting to go to college so badly that they'd risk everything to get their hands on the SAT.The storyline was mildly interesting, but it was definitely for teens and pre-teens. The acting left a lot to be desired. I watched it expecting it to be funny... it was not. Fortunately, I wasn't thoroughly annoyed with the "Breakfast Club" bunch as I am usually bothered by movies starring teens. It was an alright movie for an MTV production.