PG | 22 September 2002 (USA)
Obsessed Trailers

A woman claims she had an affair with a married neurosurgeon and stands trial for allegedly harassing him.

GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
readerguy I'm a 60+ old retired dude who's into sports, CSI, Law & Order, Bones, Bourne movies, etc. God knows, I'd NEVER watch a Lifetime Movie Network program! That's a "ladies' network," right? But I just happened to turn on this program and found it totally engrossing and entertaining. The twists and turns in the story surprised and captivated me. Until near the end, I never knew where this very interesting plot would unfold. The writing on this show is A+. Jenna Elfman (who I'd only seen as Dharma) was far more talented (and sexy) than I'd realized. She was totally believable in all aspects of her character(s). Kate Burton as her attorney was superb as was Sam Robards who played her "lover," Dr. Stillman. This movie was a real surprise treat. Guess I'm a new Lifetime fan, and I may even start tuning into Glee. :-)
Enchorde Recap: Ellena Roberts is arrested but insists that everything must be a misunderstanding. She had an affair with a successful surgeon and got a little over-zealous when he broke it off. At least that is her story. The surgeon, David Stillman, has a completely different story. He claims Ellena harasses him and his family and that the affair never took place. Lawyer Sara Miller offers to represent Ellena and finds her in the unenviable position to decide what is the truth, Ellena's version or David's.Comments: Often when you see a made for television movie you dismiss it before you even see it. Sometimes that is a mistake, and so it is in this case. This was a very interesting and intriguing movie that kept me alert the entire time. What is most interesting that the movie actually seems unbiased. Often enough the movie chooses side for the audience, we are clearly shown who is the good guy to root for and who is the bad guy to loathe and fight against. For once, this movie lets both parties, literally in a court, present their cases. And both stories make sense. At least initially there is precious little that indicates whom to believe. Which is interesting because in real life, in real court, this must be a common situation. There are two versions, both mutually exclusive, and you must decide which one is the truth. And in this movie you get to see which one, but it is not presented right away so it is an interesting tale to see.It is a good cast, even if few of them is famous. But Jenna Elfman do deserve an extra mention because her role could not be easy to do, and she pulls it off spectacularly.This movie is much better than expected, well worth to rent if you wish to see something else than a fast paced action. Do not dismiss it beforehand.7/10
iamronr Why only 127 votes on IMDb? I cannot understand this, for what I thought was a very good movie. Perhaps IMDb could encourage members to vote more often as too few and the total vote is rather meaningless.It may have been originally made for TV but it is freely available from video shops on DVD, so a lot of people must have seen Obsessed.The story & suspense was great, and Jenna Elfman beautiful, an excellent actress and just right for the part as the lover. It is cleverly directed as the story changes one hundred percent to the (slightly predictable) ending. The main criticism is to how the doctor was able to resist the advances of the sexy girl. Most men couldn't !It was such a sad ending when Jenna's mind was shown to be so sick, and instead of being put into a mental home was imprisoned for two years.
dharma56 I believe the movie Obsessed is a great movie. One of my favorite movie starring Jenna Elfman. I beleive if you are a big fan of Jenna Elfman this is a movie to see. :) I saw Jenna in a new light and she did a great job.