Darkness Falls
Darkness Falls
PG-13 | 24 January 2003 (USA)
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A vengeful spirit has taken the form of the Tooth Fairy to exact vengeance on the town that lynched her 150 years earlier. Her only opposition is the only child, now grown up, who has survived her before.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
linda I LOVE horror movies, and by horror movies i mean with some kind of ghost/spirit etc. And this movie is a good one. The idea and the story is fresh and great. The appearance of the ghost itself is not really scary for me, but i do love it. Although you can predict the story easily, and who's gonna die in this movie, but i don't have complaint about that. I enjoyed this movie so much, and i could watch it over and over again. This is a movie that you can enjoy without being stress while you're watching it. It's quite entertaining. And i usually recommend this movie to my friend if they want to see a horror movie without having nightmare afterwards.
Wuchak Released in 2003, "Darkness Falls" takes place in the fictional town of Darkness Falls, which is patterned after Fall River, Massachusetts. A kid named Kyle sees the legendary tooth fairy specter and is forced to go to an orphanage when his mother mysteriously perishes. Twelve years later Kyle (Chaney Kley) returns to the town where the specter is wreaking havoc and he's jailed under false presumptions. Emma Caulfield plays the girl he left behind and Lee Cormie her little brother who has also seen the malevolent ghost and is therefore getting "treatment." "Darkness Falls" is a haunting ghost flick that starts out very promising, but fails to take advantage of its resources and potential. The movie is enhanced by a quality apparition and an eerie vibe, similar to 2002's "The Ring," not to mention a strong and sympathetic protagonist played by Kley (who would pass away in his sleep four years later due to a breathing problem). Emily Browning is excellent as the 13 year-old girlfriend in the prologue, but Caulfield doesn't capture the character as an adult, although she's okay. Unfortunately she's literally the only prominent woman in the movie, which is scandalous for a horror flick of this ilk.The movie takes a bad turn around the midpoint when Kyle (Kley) makes it to the hospital just as the boy is about to undergo an experimental procedure, which is ultra-contrived, and the film never recovers. In fact, it goes off the rails and totally loses interest. Another negative is that too much of the story takes place indoors. The few outside sequences are effectively atmospheric, but the bulk of the movie takes place in hospitals, police stations, houses and lighthouses. Lastly, the end credits run for literally ten minutes, which is odd for a horror flick that only runs 86 minutes as it is (although the music is great). So, really, the story is only 76 minutes. "Darkness Falls" might still be worth checking out for those who value the above positives, just don't expect anything good or great. Overall, it's okay at best, hampered by lousy elements that are stunningly amateurish (for instance, glaring kinks needed worked out in the script).The movie was shot in Queensland, Victoria and New South Wales, Australia, with establishing shots in Maine.GRADE: C-
johnmcd1234 There is nothing enjoyable about this movie. This movie's idea of scaring you is throwing as many jump scares at you as possible, whenever there's a moment of silence in the film, when there's no music to tell you what to feel, it's because it's leading up to a jump scare. It pulls the typical ghost story bull crap where the ghost kills someone and the police think the guy did it but the guy keeps telling everyone that ghost did it, but nobody believes him because ghosts don't exist. Most bad horror movies only do this scenario once, but they do it at least three times in this movie. That's only the tip of the iceberg of how awful this movie is, but I'm afraid to get anymore detailed for it could be "spoilers" (Even though you can spoil something that's already rotten). Take my word for it, avoid this movie. Don't fall for these "oh, the movie isn't that bad" or "such an entertaining movie" bull crap reviews, because these people don't know what they are talking about. Take it from someone who has to watch horror movies, this is one of the worst. Yes, there are far worst movies, but that doesn't mean this gets a free pass. It's crap, it's painful to watch, and if you really don't mind the painful moments, it's just a bore.
gerry barnaby Film Reviewer This is a brilliant film, this is one of those film that really show why some people were scare of the dark as a young kid & why some time the fear of the dark goes to adulthood this is one example of a film that shows that.Inspired by the real dark fairy tale of the tooth fairy from brother grim story's & an age old story of waltzing Matilda known as the tooth fairy who's husband died at sea which gave us the famous song waltzing Matilda a famous Australian song.This story take you in to the heart of the darkness & your inner fears to truly terrify you to the bone.On the DVD is has a true history back ground story of waltzing Matilda which is a pretty sad story but a frightening back ground story for her, but this film is one of the best horror film's I've seen in a while. this is one film I recommend that you wont be disappointed with a lot of people will probably say it was a bad film not worth watching but I recommend you watch it for your self's because the story & back ground really sets the tone for this film's concept & the dark horror theme that really show why you should be scared of the dark.