| 24 October 2012 (USA)
Entity Trailers

In 1998, thirty four unidentified bodies were found in shallow graves in a remote Siberian forest. After subsequent investigations, no official explanation by the Russian authorities was ever offered about the circumstances of the deaths.

Micitype Pretty Good
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
awconcentrates 80% is a lady staring at nothing bug eyed and yelling as the other ppl pull her from one place to another . i think someone wrote a good script and someone else ruined it while making the movie. as you can see where it could be a great film but its like the writer died halfway through and no one bothered to fill in the rest of the script.
Michael Ledo This is "Entity" with the backwards "N" so not to be confused by other films with the same name. In this film there are no women sexually abused by a ghost. Don't blame me, I didn't write it.This film takes place in remote Sadovich, Siberia, Russia. We get a glimpse of some 1983 footage of a gaunt nude man in a cell with odd things going on, including levitation. We quickly come to the present where a camera crew is going to the same area. They were contacted by Yuri (Branko Tomovic) who claims 34 people were found in a shallow grave in a remote glade. With the help of Ruth (Dervla Kirwan) a psychic, he hopes to find out what happened as the authorities will not say. A camera crew comes along. Kate (Charlotte Riley) is the reporter/director who reminded me of Sandra Bullock. Charlotte Riley is a rising star. Matt (Rupert Hill) is the camera man and David (Oliver Jackson) is the token guy who needs to grow a set. Someone has to be the first to die.Ruth is the real deal. Eleven minutes into the film you have ghosts, no waiting. The full plot, i.e. the function of the building they explore for most of the movie, is explained half way through. The movie is a mixture of found footage and regular filming with the found footage aspect not being too bad except for a poorly shot night scene.The feature starts to get numb as we see much of the same stuff, then when Kate reviews the film...BAM! A nice little twist and surprise ending that made the numb worth while. Definitely worth a view for found footage fans.Parental Guide: F-bomb, male nudity, no sex.
d_in_chi Entity gets off on a very bad foot due to, of all things, a character with the worst fake Russian accent I've ever heard. My first thought was Jamie Lee Curtis' "German" accent (Swedish due to ignorance) in the train scene in Trading Places. This is even worse. That was meant to be funny, this isn't. "Yuri" sounds more like a German doing a bad Scottish accent. Turns out the actor who played him is a German raised in Serbia. If you can't find someone with a Russian accent, why set the film in Russia? They could have easily set this in Eastern Germany and claimed that the disappearances occurred in the DDR years. Or they could have rewritten the script so that our "Russian" was born in the UK of Russian parents and moved back to the motherland (this would also have explained his predilection for contacting a British TV show). Something, anything. Even using a guy with a straight-up English accent saying his name is Dmitri and he lives in Russia would have been a better choice.Although this may seem minor, it's not. I'd liken it to repeatedly seeing a gaffer in the background, or really bad CGI. It's either an easy fix or a poor production choice. At first it's funny, but each time Ivan speaks it makes it more difficult to take any of this seriously, leaving the makers of the film the only ones doing so; a fatal flaw in horror.This is not the only problem. The rest of the characters are dull and interchangeable; an hour in I didn't know which of the crew was who and I didn't care. I even couldn't remember Igor's name - or Boris, Sergei, whatever. They all read their lines like an automated phone message. I understand they're a paranormal TV show crew, but they act hardly shocked once shockingly spooky things begin happening, as if they've been on cases just like this before. Even when in grave danger, they're merely reading their lines, only displaying distress when they themselves are attacked.This idea has been done before. Some will criticize on that alone, but not me. However, you should be informed about what's been done with it before you do it. Where Grave Encounters succeeds (almost everything), this film fails. GE gave depth to its characters, making them lifelike and interesting. It managed to both have a lot of fun and extract terror from the idea of ghost hunters biting off far more than they can chew. GE is also downright frightening despite not having the advantage of switching POV that Entity has. Opportunities to scare are squandered by keeping the action distant and most of the ghosts only visible to the psychic.In short, a mandatory viewing of GE for the filmmakers would have been advised. While they're at it, The Hunt for Red October also may have helped them figure out how to handle the Russian accent problem.I stopped keeping track of the story once Vladimir started talking about his ex-girlfriend. Yes, I knew he "vuz luking fod'r sumting" early on so I figured it was a loved one. Whether he found her or not, I don't know, but Nikolai met some kind of ghost. Losing track of the plot didn't matter because there really isn't one. They walk around in a building and there's spirits of some kind. That's all you need to know.The film's greatest strength is the ability to keep a pretty tense atmosphere... although I wanted it to end, I found myself watching all the way through. Aside from that, some of the ghostly images are scary.Totally disposable supernatural horror that belongs in $1 bargain bins and free On Demand.
Márcio Carocho This movie could be worse, much worse... The "found footage" genre is sometimes "overused" and makes it sound ridiculous from time to time. The Entity, is somewhat in the middle of the table, and if it does not bring anything new to the genre, it doesn't make a fool of itself. The acting is believable and professional, despite the fake accent of the Russian guy. The story is simple, but lacks some depth, and the pace of the movie could be a bit better. I really liked the feeling, scenario and the occasional frights. A decent independent movie that doesn't bring anything surprising, but delivers a nice psychological fright. Don't expect much, just watch if for what it is, and good independent horror movie.