R | 06 September 2008 (USA)
Deadgirl Trailers

When high school misfits Rickie and JT decide to ditch school and find themselves lost in the crumbling facility of a nearby abandoned hospital, they come face-to-face with a gruesome discovery: a body of a woman stripped naked, chained to a table and covered in plastic and soon realize she is anything but dead. Quickly the boys find themselves embarking on a twisted yet poignant journey testing the limits of their friendship, and forces both to decide just how far they're willing to stretch their understanding of right and wrong.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
LouHomey From my favorite movies..
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
kellyannmccabe This film literally felt like a jerk off movie for rapists. The only decent part was when they got the sh*t kicked out of them by the babe at the gas station. It's too bad the main dude didn't die horrifically somehow. It's horrifying that not one of the boys actually attempted to help the girl at all. This film has no redeeming qualities and if I could give it a minus I would. Ugh
michaeltrivedi This is a really good movie. I watch a lots of horror movies. Reading the reviews for this one, I always skipped it in favor of the more adult related ones. Big mistake.Deadgirl is an awesome movie that keeps you glued to your seat. There was probably only once or twice during the entire movie that I thought about something other than the movie. That's how you know it's good!It's about a group of teenagers that discover a living dead girl in an abandoned insane asylum. She can't die, and they learn that if she bites you, you remain immortal too. The teens have sex with her before they discover this though. I don't know. You cannot properly explain this movie to portray how great it is.What enthuses me most is that the storyline is so basic and stupid. But watching it, it has no real deep philosophical analysis of life nor are the characters' lives anything but ordinary. And yet I couldn't stop watching. Can't explain it.Really really good stuff.7 Stars
Jimboe Jones First: i'll try not to spoil what you are about to watch here, so i won't go into the plot that much. Rather will i admit: having seen SOME very weird movies in this genre i already roughly knew what general topic and quality i'd delve into, so there wasn't much of a surprise at first...but.... Now let me tell you, why i liked this movie:Many other reviews will give out too much information on the plot, or will have a strong disregard for this one. I don't know why that is.... OK. The movie started off a little slow so i went in a little bored even though i quickly saw and liked that they really tried to figure out a way to - and i mean this in both regards (real as "here and now-time", and also in "it has all the basics needed") - make a REAL movie out of it. It's quite well made regarding the shots and scenery, actors are OK, subplots are OK even though quite basic and not very breathtaking but it fits the purpose. And then...the actress (deadgirl). omfg! perfect! Haunting eyes and an awesome expression! Also there even was quite a shock scene, (i think it was the one where the protagonist dreams of her). Other than that... Sure..., it all is a little dull, but it is an enjoyable ride if you don't expect too much of it. It is a nice movie to watch for fun and definitely one of the better movies of this genre!Others might say that it weren't a satisfying viewing experience as it lacks a lot of elements that make a movie complete and that much of it makes no sense, but i guess i could at least directly name 20+ movies in this genre that are not even close to this one. Besides. It is a horror/zombie movie. It doesn't HAVE to make sense :)Again, don't expect too much. Just enjoy it! :)
Uriah43 This movie begins with 2 high school students named "Rickie" (Shiloh Fernandez) and "J.T." (Noah Segan) who decide to skip class and eventually end up at an abandoned mental facility in the middle of nowhere. As they tour the place they come upon a door that is rusted shut and after much exertion they finally manage to open it. What they find inside the room is a naked female strapped to a table who appears to be dead--but is very much alive. And J.T. knows exactly what he wants to do with her. Now, rather than reveal any more about this movie I will just say that this film is definitely not for general audiences as it has several graphic scenes involving nudity and rape—of a zombie no less. And it's this behavior of J.T. and his buddy "Wheeler" (Eric Podnar) that is probably the most unsettling thing about this film. Along with that, while I didn't particularly care for these specific scenes, the rest of the movie seemed rather slow and uneventful as well—at least up until the final 30 minutes or so. In summation, I doubt anybody--other than serious zombie enthusiasts--will consider this movie to be better than average and I have therefore rated it accordingly.