Curse of the Blair Witch
Curse of the Blair Witch
NR | 11 July 1999 (USA)
Curse of the Blair Witch Trailers

A mockumentary exploring the life of the Blair Witch and the three missing student filmmakers.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Dan Cziraky Originally airing on the Sci-Fi Channel the week before the release of THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT (1999), this fascinating look at the supposedly "true" legends of the Blair Witch, from the banishment of Elle Kedward, the drowning of little Eileen Treacle, and the massacre at Coffin Rock, to the 1941 murders committed by Rustin Parr, right up to the 1994 disappearances of Heather, Mike, and Josh, cleverly reels in viewers to this fictional mythology. Many who watched this later swore it was on The Learning Channel or Discovery, not Sci-Fi! In many respects, this short piece is far better than the actual feature film it was meant to promote.
djonin You have to wonder how this propaganda to promote "The Blair Witch Project" ended up being better than the movie that spawned it.If you are going to see the "Project" see this first it is very entertaining and makes you almost believe that the Blair Witch is real, until you see the movie which destroys any illusion of reality.
Jigglypoof I only saw the film that this mockumentary is about today (see the comments in the comments page of the actual film). I believe I watched this on our Canadian equivalent of the Sci Fi channel, called Space... in the summer. I was tired that day so I fell asleep during some of it. At that point in the hype of the film, I was trying to find out if it was indeed fact or fiction, and I wasn't certain yet, so it did disturb me somewhat while I watched it, thinking, my God, what if this was real? I quickly learned after the credits rolled that there was no disclaimer to say that it was fact or fiction. The only thing I had to comfort me is that I don't live anywhere near there, so it couldn't happen to me. Although... we do have lots of woods here so it did bother me slightly. Later, I learned that the whole movie and mockumentary was untrue, so it set my mind at ease. Once I found out there was minimal gore, I decided I might give it a shot when it came out on VHS, but only during the day on a smaller screen, so as to lose that "thrust into it/real feeling"... though I chickened out the first time when I went to rent the last one at Blockbuster... I despise horror films... but someone bought it and decided to show it to some friends and I, so I thought, what the hell. (See my comments in the comments section of the film for more.) I can't tell you in which order to watch the film and this. You have to decide for yourself. Maybe you should see this first for a background story. After watching the film, I am still left with questions. I guess I wasn't paying as much attention to this, or the beginning of the film, as I should have. However I wouldn't recommend finding out exactly how either this or the film was made or it could somewhat spoil it for you. Just be glad that it isn't true and watch these, and enjoy them... if you can.
umainer For my money, this SciFi show packed more entertainment than the film and it was 30 mins shorter. I watched this 2 or 3 times on SciFi before seeing the movie. I can only say the movie was more of disappointment than "Phantom Menace". I think the SciFi show set the standards higher than the film was able to achieve. Even if you dont see the movie, this documentary stands alone as entertaining. I kinda wish I had never seen the movie in hindsight and kept my BWP experience to just this show.