A Case of You
A Case of You
R | 06 November 2013 (USA)
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Young writer Sam has a crush on Birdie, the cute and quirky barista at his local coffee shop. When his conventional attempts to woo her crash and burn, he takes his efforts online, creating an Internet profile embellished with all of the details that would make him Birdie’s dream guy. When the harebrained scheme is a surprise success and Birdie falls for his exaggerated alter ego, Sam must keep up the act or lose his dream girl forever.

Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
leonblackwood Review: Man, this film was extremely boring! It's a simple case of boy meets girl, boy likes girl, boy goes on Facebook to find out about girl, boy realises that he is doing everything to please the girl to woo her, boy comes clean about not being himself and then they fall into each other's arms. I was expecting a romantic comedy with some jokes, but it's totally not funny and it just seems to drag after a while. Justin along was really dull in this movie and he didn't even attempt any witty lines. He just moans through the whole film, which is surprising as he actually made it himself. The impressive cast list got wasted because there not really in the movie that much, so you end up watching Sam, the main character, making a big deal out of a simple loving relationship. Waste Of Time!Round-Up: Brendan Fraser, Sam Rockwell and Vince Vaughn must have done this movie as a favour to Justin Long because I can't really see them reading the script and thinking to themselves "I Must Be In This Movie" because it's really not that good. It's obvious that Justin Long isn't that great at playing the lead because he was annoying in Die Hard 4.0 and pretty annoying in this movie. I was hoping for a light hearted comedy with loads of funny jokes, but I was totally disappointed. I recommend this movie to people who are into there Rom-Com's about a man who looks on Facebook to woo a girl and ends up doing everything for her whilst not being true to himself. 2/10
vincentlynch-moonoi I've always (well, almost always) enjoyed Justin Long since his early role on the television series "Ed". But I never could get a sense of who he really was. Here, you do, because Long produced the film and co-wrote the script. And so tonight I can go beyond "liking" Justin Long, to "respecting" Justin Long. His performance here starts out like many of his other roles, but at the point in the film when he realizes he (the character) must take charge of his own life, Long does some remarkable acting.The story doesn't seem that deep for a while -- a young man falls hopelessly in love with a young woman..."from afar", and then sets out to woo her based on her apparent tastes from her Facebook page. Of course, who he becomes to impress her has little to do with who he really is as a person. She falls in love with the unreal him, which derails the relationship...for a while.Interesting cast. Justin Long is the male lead. Evan Rachel Wood is great as the female lead. Sam Rockwell has a typically goofy, small role, and unfortunately these types of roles are making people miss what a really fine actor he is. Why did Brendan Fraser take this tiny and unappealing role? And as I always ask about Vince Vaughn...why? Peter Dinklage has an odd and creepy small part (no pun intended).High marks to Justin Long and a very good film with a fine performance.
Robert W. Indie movies like this are definitely hit and miss. Sometimes they really work well and other times you wish you had left it where you found it. I knew A Case Of You could easily go either way. I usually enjoy Justin Long and thought this film looked like a cute and fun potential date movie for my wife and I. I am pleased to say that it was exactly that...cute and fun. It absolutely won't blow you away. It sort of floats and meanders its way along but it proudly does it and the story and budding romance is cute enough to keep you watching. It isn't slapstick funny but will absolutely make you laugh and smile at its "real life" "awkward" funny moments that Justin Long always does so well. It is sort of like watching something your friend or a good story teller is relaying to you. It feels genuine and realistic and something that both men and women can just sit back and enjoy. It is simple. There is nothing outside of the box here and it very carefully follows the tried and true romantic comedy recipe but sometimes that can be good. You know exactly what to expect and you know what you're heading into. The thing that makes A Case For You stand out is its indie quality charm.Justin Long is absolutely perfect playing the awkward, almost brooding and incredibly sweet every man. He's done it more than once and it works perfectly well in this film. You relate to him, you understand him and he's the kind of guy you'd hang out with. As an artist/writer myself I completely related to his struggles and personality as a writer and that is great for him as an actor. Evan Rachel Wood is equally terrific as the free spirited girl of his affections. They have great, very real chemistry together. It isn't electric or overtly passionate but it feels real. Wood sort of gets stuck with the stereotypical "child of hippie" free spirit but that role suits her very well. It was kind of neat to discover Vince Vaughan appears in a very small supporting role as Long's agent. Vaughan is Vaughan so fans of his will appreciate his frenetic rants. Brendan Fraser, Sam Rockwell and Busy Philipps all make small appearances that are really quite good and absolutely add to the quirky style of the film. I also really enjoyed the role played by Keir O'Donnell as the obligatory "best friend" and room mate. He's raunchy and funny but it still suits the film and he doesn't overdo it and has good chemistry with Long. For some reason on IMDb Peter Dinklage gets top billing in the film despite having a very small role (equal or less than Vince Vaughan's who I didn't even know was in it.) Dinklage is okay but he seems to be mocking the role more than playing it and he's sort of unnecessary but definitely adds an awkwardness to his scenes.Up and coming director Kat Coiro has a distinctive style that will be noticed with this film. I hope she keeps her indie style that makes A Case for You so endearing. I think the film is only helped by her feminine perspective. The characters are well developed, especially Long's who really does endear himself to you. Lovers of romantic comedies or drama's or someone looking for something just a little bit outside of the typical mainstream fluff that's out there should find themselves enjoying the film. While, as I said before, it won't blow you away it does really grow on you. It didn't immediately leave my mind and I'm still thinking about it and actually the more I think about it the more fond I am of the film so I absolutely recommend this for something light but perfectly enjoyable. 7/10
kickbuttpotato "A Case of You" is worth singling out if some great flicks like "Ruby Sparks" made you dig for more. Though, this movie is sort of reliving the dumb formula from the comparison. Okay, an honest opinion is that viewers will be fractured by the plot's predictability, but I'm buying. That doesn't prevent me from saying that the film is one of the sweet romantic comedies bolstered with energy from its young cast ensemble of bright comedians. I dunno, but call me crazy.Sam (Justin Long) is a well-known author that suffers a block to his next book. An inspiration is what he totally needs, suffice to say. Until she meets the cute blondie coffee gal named Birdie (Evan Rachel Wood), he develops a quirky obsession. As soon as Sam learns that she was fired for frequent tardiness at work, he decided to stalk her Facebook account and decisively scan her likes, interests, and routines. Sam is the ideal manly stalker. And one by one he tries to learn what she likes to do: Play the guitar, read Darwinian, and rock climbing. This is in no doubt a rudimentary principle of we follow in order to woo our special someone, and I admire the film for having the guts to deliver it regardless of being stereotyped.The chemistry between Long and Wood feels cheesy but endearing. Though, their kismet might be unfairly familiar but at least it's sugar-coated with their funny moment and both make it work. We also get the most of Keir O'Donnell as Sam's buddy roommate Eliot especially from his late- bloomer taboo jokes therein. And the same goes to Peter Dinklage as a gay barista and Brendan Fraser as Birdie's ex Tony. Too bad Dinklage and Fraser is alarmingly hilarious they deserve more time frame than Busy Philips and Vince Vaughn (although he's too substantial) who are both fruitless here. Also adding Sam Rockwell to the mix as the guitar lesson instructor, it gets ticklish funny.The credits for the screenplay goes to Justin, his brother Christian, and O'Donnell themselves. Kudos to them. They keep me howling in some of their one-liners and made me attracted to their persona. However, like I said their notion for the narrative may disappoint for its jaded impression. This explains why major distributors refused to finance the film for trust issues and let IFC do it anyway. Nevertheless, this made me look forward for Justin for his next screenplay pitch and see what he could bring new to the table other than acting well in this film. He's proved to be an actor and auteur.The film doesn't just focus on the love story per se. As we delve into Sam's motivational ease, we're starting to care for whether what he's potent feelings towards Birdie is ideal to be in his own writing or not. The message is too simple to guess, but heck we all have our Sams within us. If Sam don't end up winning Birdie's heart, at least she ends up helping him close the chapter."A Case of You" is essentially sweet quirky rom-com that kept me howling with hilarity straight up. If you're a fan of Ruby Sparks, this touching gem is worth singling out.