| 14 April 2013 (USA)
iSteve Trailers

A comedic look at the life of Steve Jobs.

WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Blake Rivera If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Desertman84 Funny Or Die releases what they call "the first biopic" of the late Apple CEO Steve Jobs.They pride themselves of "being the first" and presents an unlikely tribute to the Apple Chief wherein it presents lots of fun and laughter as Jobs provides an examination of the events of his life from his childhood until his return to Apple Computer more than a decade after he got fired from the company by John Sculley.The 80-minute film stars Justin Long as Steve Jobs who provides narration in the events of his life together with Jorge Garcia,James Urbaniak and Michaela Watkins.It presents many events of his life like his student days at Reed,his friendship with Steve Wozniak,the presentation of the first Apple computer at Homebrew Computer Club,his firing from Apple and many others.Aside from real events of Jobs' life,we also get to see unlikely events of his life such as his friendship with Bill Gates,his love affair with Melinda Gates,his partnership with Commodore Computer,his love for soda drinks and many others.Apparently,this film is a combination of both accuracy and inaccuracy to provide funny moments to the viewer.While people who probably saw this film would somehow dislike it due to the inaccurate events,one must realize that it intends to be a parody of the life of an tech icon who gave the world products that people love.
nm4701284 Why? Beside the fact that they thought of using as the main character Justin Long ("The Mac Guy" from the "Hi I'm a Mac..." commercials) and made you think "where do I know this guy from?" ;), they made the story so simple and impactful. They kept the core of the story and made it into a beautiful funny time line of "history of innovation" I don't want to give away too much, but we all know that Ashton Kutcher looks a lot more like Steve Jobs and he did a great job in "Jobs", but the flair Justin is bringing to this story, the awkward friendship with Woz (Jorge Garcia most popular for "Lost"), the funny rivalry with Bill Gates and the entire air of the film makes me say it: it's better than "Jobs". Period.
TxMike This past week, August 16, 2013, the Steven Jobs movie with Ashton Kutcher was released. I haven't seen it yet but it is supposed to be a serious look at the life of Jobs.This movie, cleverly titled "iSteve", came out first and is just the opposite. In fact in the closing credits it states plainly that although some of the names used were real people, that "literally everything that happened in this story was totally fake." And further, "Point is this story is fictional. Phoney baloney."If that had not been clear as the movie unfolded, a certain scene where Jobs is speaking in his trademark turtleneck shirt of his later life, against a totally black background, and his voice grinds to a halt. Then we see him bent over at the waist and a technician comes over, takes a circuit board out of Jobs' back and works on it to get Jobs back to life should have erased all doubt.Justin Long is iSteve, Steve Jobs, a force of nature in computing starting in the 1970s through virtually the present, although he died in 2011. iSteve gave us such things as the iMac, iTunes, iPod, iPhone, and iPad, things that we can hardly understand how we did without before them.As a comedy of fake events it takes great liberties with real people and real events and twisting them until they bear no resemblance to the truth. Jobs meeting the guru in India, getting the three LSD dots for when he needed inspiration. Bill Gates meeting his eventual wife in Jobs' garage, then riding off with her, sitting behind her on the bicycle. Jobs' inspiration for Pixar coming from his white desk lamp he almost sold when he needed money. And many more.Those looking for a serious movie will be disappointed and should not see this. But for those who enjoy the occasional diversion, in what resembles a 75-minute pseudo-SNL (Saturday Night Live) skit, this movie is a lot of fun. Fun just to see how you can take real events and real people and turn it into a twisted, funny story.SPOILERS: The movie is mostly flashback as Steve Jobs is practicing his talk. As the movie ends he says to us, "You guessed it, this room I am in is actually Heaven."
thepotatoHasEyes A great true story , narrated by the main character, a very funny history lesson, At one point , I flashed back to when my little brother got one of the first computers ...when there were about three people "online", it was just another techie at the library or local college,and they were just tying up everyone's phone lines.for me , it was well written and took right off, I didn't expect it to be as funny as it was , being a biography, but it was funnier than educational, and even when the jokes weren't flowing , the movie still flowed very nicely, I recommend iSteve, my opinion is that most people will enjoy it and get a chuckle I gave it a six out of ten, and I think i will eventually re-watch it so it gets a re-watcher stamp