Burke & Hare
Burke & Hare
R | 05 August 2011 (USA)
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Two 19th-century opportunists become serial killers so that they can maintain their profitable business supplying cadavers to an anatomist.

Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Alistair Olson After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Adam Peters (44%) A well made, yet oddly completely unfunny watch centred around the crimes of the notorious murderous duo in 19th century Edinburgh. So what exactly went wrong here? Because with the cast including the talented Simon Pegg and Andy Serkis, with support from the likes of Tim Curry, Tom Wilkinson, British TV favourite Ronny Corbett, even Christopher Lee in a small cameo, and with John Landis directing meaning this should have been a hell of a lot better than it actually is. The first problem is the fact that this starts claiming to be an Earling studio production, and not once in the entire film did it ever remotely capture the feel of that once great name. It may have the darker edge you'll find in something like The ladykillers, but what is really lacking is any sort of soul or heart. It doesn't also help that the true tale of Burke and Hare isn't actually that comedic as there's no real punchline anywhere, just a couple of guys making a bit of money grave robbing and killing people, and that's about it. This isn't a bad watch by any means, but I defy anyone truly enjoying its half baked attempts.
Stephen Alfieri I found this movie on Netflix after searching for something "good" to watch.I have to say that this was one of the more offbeat, and enjoyable films that I've seen all year.Based on a true story, except for the parts that aren't, "Burke and Hare" stars Simon Pegg and Andy Serkis as two down and outs who are willing to do anything to make a buck. After unsuccessful tries as con men and grave robbers, they stumble into a profession that, will supply bodies to the medical schools of Scotland.This is a black comedy that is very funny and often hilarious. Some people may feel that the subject matter is not to be made fun of. But in true British humor, nothing is sacred. The entire cast is terrific. From Simon Pegg to Tom Wilkinson to Tim Curry and Christopher Lee. Special kudos to Ronnie Corbett who is very funny as a Captain of the guard, tracking down his foe.On a night when you don't know what to watch. Give "Burke and Hare" a go. Highly Recommended.
MartinHafer Simon Pegg and Andy Serkis play the infamous Burke and Hare--two horrible criminals who provided bodies to Edinburgh medical schools in the 1820s. Why was this so horrible? Because the folks they 'procured' weren't dead when the pair found them. Eventually the two were caught and the rest is history. This horrible series of crimes was the basis for many movies over the years--some of which changed the details and some of which stuck quite close to the actual events. I've already seen "The Body Snatcher", "Corridors of Blood" and "The Flesh and the Fiends"--and there are several other versions of the story out there to be seen. Of those I've seen, clearly "The Body Snatcher" (which is a fictionalized account that was written by Robert Louis Stevenson) is the best.In this 2010 film, the filmmakers have attempted to do something different--to make a comedy about the events. This is very problematic for two main reasons--it's hard to make a comedy about such grisly things and because the film just isn't very funny. If you are a fan of Pegg's looking for another "Hot Fuzz" or "Sean of the Dead"--keep looking. The problem is that the film just plays it all too straight and isn't wild or crazy enough to make the whole thing darkly funny (such as how they handled this sort of thing in "Sweeney Todd"). As a result, the characters are unlikable and flat.If you can ignore the fact that the film is not especially enjoyable, you can at least appreciate the look of the film. It looks very 1820s--except when they talk about photographing the corpses, as photography wasn't even invented until a decade LATER!!! Also, if you do watch, look for the least romantic sex scene ever filmed.
Tony Heck "I have got enough money put aside to start our new business...funeral parlors." This is the very funny true story about Burke (Pegg) and Hare (Serkis). They started off as simple grave robbers trying to make a living in Scotland in the 19th century. When an opportunity that is more lucrative comes along they jump at the chance. The job - providing cadavers to "teachers" around the city. The thing that gets them into trouble is how they find the cadavers. This is an extremely dark comedy that makes you laugh at things you should not laugh at. The plot of the movie deals with two guys who go around killing people for money. The fact that Simon Pegg is the main star is the reason I watched this to start. The supporting cast is also fantastic, but the movie on it's own is pretty entertaining and worth a watch. While not as funny as "Shaun Of The Dead", it does have that type of should I laugh at this quality to it. The best way I can describe it would be a comedy along the lines of "Sweeney Todd". If you like that movie you will like this one, no singing and more laughs. Overall, worth a watch, unless you are easily offended. I give it a B.*Also try - Lucky & Sweeney Todd
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