R | 19 October 2004 (USA)
sideFX Trailers

Sex, drugs, and rock-and-roll will never be the same after a medieval sex drug makes a comeback on the college party scene. Everyone wants to try this "orgasm" drug but no one considers the side effects.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Michael Ledo A drug makes people black out and crave blood. Matt (Todd Swift) is planing a party where he plans to distribute the drug.The film was low budget so the party was no rave. The limit budget made the party small with no decent music whereas a larger budget would of had 100 people in costume, Billy Idol or NIN playing and tons of people attacking each other. Instead it was a whimper. The background information could have been presented a bit more interesting.This was Amber Heard's first major motion picture for the large screen long before Johnny Depp used her as a punching bag.Guide: F-word, sex, nudity. Available on a multi-pack if you don't want any extras other than other bad films.
siderite As a film student attempt, it was OK, but as a movie, it sucked big time. The basic plot is that a drug that can be traced back to medieval times makes some of the people taking it to want to drink blood. So it's like a vampirism inducing drug without the super powers, teeth and fear of sun and garlic. Where does that leave you? To lots of bad actors with blood pills.The lead was OK, the rest were just awful and so was the quality of the film itself, starting from sound, editing, camera movements, etc and ending with the dialogue and basic script. The major flaw of the movie, though, is that it's not scary. Some people found it amusing, I guess if one would be watching it together with intoxicated friends one could find it so :)
whpratt1 This film starts off telling the audience about drug percentages in this country and explains about some university people who created a drug that makes people do way out things. The effects of this drug seem to stimulate the desire for red hot sex which leads to getting thirsty and not for a glass of water, but for something more colorful. In the first scene of the film you see a guy putting a few drops of liquid into a young blonde's cocktail glass and not too long after she takes off her bra and he and she do their thing together. Gals and guys get over heated through out the picture and there is a very stupid explanation as to why this is all happening, it is a date rape drunk that makes you want to do many more things than make love. If this type of film interests you, you had better view a good Christopher Lee film about Vampires, you will enjoy the film and certainly not this ONE !
Chuck Straub A good way to describe the plot of Side FX is to say it's a variation of a zombie movie. A new drug that's supposed to be 10 time better than ecstasy has a little side effect. It makes the user lose their normal state of mind and crave blood. By craving blood, I mean bite chunks out of other people's neck, arms, whatever, as a means of getting it, like the zombie films. The difference is that they can be killed just like you could kill a normal human being, but if you wait long enough the drug wears off. It's a nice variation on the living dead theme. This film was very well done for an Independent film company on a low budget. The special effects were good. The acting was OK and in the case of the main character "Tuesday" played by Amanda Phillips I thought it was pretty good. The special effects were effective. The music was good. All around I found it a very enjoyable movie. The second half of the movie definitely has the most action but there's plenty of blood throughout the film to keep the viewer on edge. It's a real blood bath. For horror fans, it's worth a viewing.