Kill the Scream Queen
Kill the Scream Queen
| 01 October 2004 (USA)
Kill the Scream Queen Trailers

A sadist lures fledgeling actress to his den of horrors, promising them fame if they act in his "snuff film." They realize only after they are tied up that he really means to torture, rape, and kill them for all to see.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
jswindter01 My vote is that of one, single, lowly *star*.I am one who absolutely loves b-grade horror flicks to such a degree that even in some of the more crappy, lowest b-grade flicks I can still actually find entertainment value... but here, in this piece of "film" I can find zero, nil, nada, narry a single redeeming quality!!How is it that utter waste, such as this, somehow is able to make its way into production, post- production, and even distribution? Yet, true talent with original concepts/content, or at least a fresh spin, on horror plot points/characters.. they get back burnered, pushed aside, and many times even permanently shelved never to see the light of day???!!!! How is that when we have such all out, pathetic garbage thats not even worth a single dime, nor worth ANYONE'S TIME spent on a single viewing of this MESS!!!Unbelievable, it is, and it is exactly this type pure crap that gives the modern horror genre the stinking bad taste thats left in the viewers proverbial mouths from having witnessed such pathetic material.WoW! Bill Zebub your "original" name is a perfect indicator of what your capabilities are in the movie making business... $hit, IMO!1 pathetic star out of 10(and IMO, it doesn't even deserve 1 *star*)
Henry Tjernlund Could easily have been better. In fact maybe so much so that if the filmmaker hadn't tried even as hard as he did, it might have actually been better.On a good note. The lighting was reasonably okay. But pretty much everything else was lacking. Wobbly camera work. (Yeah, yeah, I know, that's supposed to be the style now.) Poorly recorded audio. And editing that looked like someone watched too many Ulli Lommel movies (which are some of the worst edited movies.) To sum it up, the movie seemed to be a rationalization for the director/writer/main-character to get some young women naked, put them in fake bondage, and grope them, while saying "menacing" things.
hocfocprod While I was watching this movie I never thought I'd be defending it. It's honest enough from the begininning about not having much of a plot. There's no real characters to latch onto except the killer. Some of the acting can be better, but most of it is capable.I know, a three out of ten isn't stellar, but there are reviews saying it was shot poorly and completely useless, etc. I think it set out to do what it's supposed to fairly well. The lighting is minimal at times, more natural than most audiences are used to, but it's supposed top look like a camcorder snuff film. In fact, at times the quality is probably still too high to be true to that, but nobody would make it through tne minutes of camera work that's truly that bad.It's not particularly scary, but it is disturbing at times. There are one or two characters who don't come across as believable at all and the soundtrack does get tiring at times, but overall it was put together cleaner than a lot of camcorder movies.
slake09 I'm a big fan of sleaze and horror movies, when you put them together that's my sweet spot: horrible sleaze. You're not going to get it in this film, though.There is certainly sleaze, in the form of girls being kidnapped and tortured, tied naked to various things. The sleaze isn't very sleazy, though. It didn't register very high on my sleaze meter, mainly because none of the girls were in the least attractive, nor did they attempt to act as if they were even threatened. They seemed to be thinking more about what was for lunch, or maybe when they could score some crack.Forget the effects, they were lame in the extreme. The lameness was contributed to by the bad acting; effects are harder to believe when even the actors and actresses aren't buying into them.Cinematography was pretty bad, they could have hired a couple cameramen from a porn movie and done better. In fact, that might have raised the sleaze factor enough to make it enjoyable. As it is, there are a lot of dark shots where you can't see very clearly, and what you can see isn't looking too good.The horror factor is nil. Null. Zero. Nada. Zip. Zilch. I've seen kids movies that were more frightening. There's no camp here, either. It's just a movie that attempts to be shockingly sleazy, but doesn't even come close.