All Dogs Go to Heaven 2
All Dogs Go to Heaven 2
G | 29 March 1996 (USA)
All Dogs Go to Heaven 2 Trailers

Charlie and Itchy return to Earth to find Gabriel's Horn, but along the way meet up with a young boy named David, who ran away from home.

Ehirerapp Waste of time
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Ycfc1992 This film to me is one of my favourite childhood films, where I remember watching the film over and over, falling in love with it more. After revisiting it, I still found it particularly charming, due to the storyline and the characters. The storyline is just right for the younger audience... easy to understand. In my opinion, the musical aspect of the film isn't the best I've seen from a film, but I can still remember the lyrics and the tune to this day. Reviews for the film have hounded it's continuous mistakes throughout the film, and changing of actors from the original. The organisation and planning of the film didn't help its potential, due to moving from one studio to another. Finances didn't help this film either from which is demonstrated from the overall quality of the animation. There are plenty of mistakes in this film, which has harmed its reputation. The actors chosen for each role, in my opinion, were sound choices despite some criticism choosing Charlie Sheen over Burt Reynolds. I'm my opinion however the film should've been better planned, organised and received better funding from MGM, then the film would've got the reputation it deserved. I believe it is full of character, which is why I remember it so well. The songs are good, despite irregularities, mainly focusing on "I Will Always Be With You" which is a beautiful and brilliant duet, despite Charlie's singing voice being clearly different. 7/10 is what I will give for this film due to its brilliant character and potential, despite the poor organisational planning leading to the mistakes evident in the film.
stevetrowbridge98 Why all the negative reviews? People are seriously overreacting and blowing this whole thing out of proportion. Is ADGTH 2 as good as the original, no probably not. But that doesn't mean this movie is bad. (Spoilers) Charlie is in heaven and Itchy ends joining him. Carface is also in heaven. He is acting all nice and innocent but is really plotting to steal the Horn of Gabriel. He steals it and goes back down to earth by using the horn to open the gates. Meanwhile Charlie is bored with heaven while Itchy is ecstatic about it. Charlie and Itchy are sent back to earth to get back the Horn of Gabriel. They get there and Charlie meets Sasha, whom he falls in love with, and David, a magician. I won't go any further than that. The Cons, Burt Reynolds is deeply missed as Charlie and the voice replacement of Carface is also a big loss. Anne Marie is not mentioned, perhaps because of what happened to the voice actress but it still would've been nice if Charlie had mentioned her. Also this seems to take place in the mid-80's-early 90's era but the original was in the 30's, that's a big plot hole for sure and the animation had a few glitches. But if you can get past all that, the movie is good, it was to me, and i'll say again that I don't understand why people are overreacting about this. It doesn't deserve all the bad reviews its gotten. I give it an 8/10.
idonnowho I seem to be one of the few people saying this, but: "All Dogs Go to Heaven 2" is actually a MAJOR step up from Bluth's 1989 original!Charlie Barkin and Itchy Itchiford are reunited in Heaven, after the latter chokes to death on a chicken bone. Charlie is bored of life in Heaven, but soon the heavenly hounds find out that Gabriel's horn has been stolen and is now in the heart of San Francisco. Charlie and Itchy must rival their old enemy Carface (who stole the horn in the first place), thwart Carface's new boss, Red the Cat Demon, and help a little boy, named David, find his way home.This is a great sequel! Great music, great characters, and a story MUCH easier to follow than its predecessor...8/10 stars! Highly recommended!!! :)
EarthwormJimFan How could they take such a beautifully animated gem like Don Bluth's All Dogs go to Heaven and bastardize it with a charmless, cheesy, uninspired sequel. The haunting music and delightful characters are gone, now replaced with tacky animation and an unimaginative plot.The Pros: Charlie Sheen is sometimes fun as Charlie, but he lacks the charming tough guy attitude that brought him to life by Burt Reynolds. I did particularly enjoy the songs "I will always be with you" and "It's too Heavenly here".The Cons: There seems to be no connection between this and the original. In the beginning Charlie is chums with Carface, but wait a minute. Isn't this the same character who was responsible for Charlie's murder and kidnapped the sweet little orphan he loved? I guess that all changes in Heaven but why isn't Anne-Marie even mentioned? If Itchy makes it to Heaven, wouldn't Flo and Killer make it too? What is with Annabelle the whippet's voice? In the original it sounded feminine and charming and in the sequel it sounds like a whiny, bitchy, parrot. The new characters aren't all that great (except Sasha). And the animation is better compared to a generic Saturday morning cartoon. The constant cartoony "humor" is flat and unfunny and the "heart" just doesn't work when compare to the original, which had such a moving unsubtle touch that makes me cry every time.All Dogs go to Heaven is one of my all-time favorite films. How Don Bluth allowed this sequel to be made is beyond me.BOTTOM LINE: Not all sequels go to Heaven.