The Shaggy Dog
The Shaggy Dog
PG | 10 March 2006 (USA)
The Shaggy Dog Trailers

The tale of a workaholic dad-turned-dog who finds that being man's best friend shows him the most important job - being a great dad.

Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
coolcat01 This film is just terrible. What a joke this film is!?
mike48128 Impossible premise and several plot loopholes. The biggest being the fact that the human lab "Minions" are never told outright that Lawyer Daniels (Tim Allen) transforms into a Bearded Collie. A shaggy dog but not technically a sheepdog. Also, animals have to be quarantined to "test-out" as rabies free without being brain-biopsied or "put down". Tim turns into a dog after being bitten by a 300-year-old Tibetan dog? Where's Lon Cheney Jr. when ya' need him? Instead of a snarly werewolf, a friendly weredog? Also, who retrieves his clothes and how many wallets and I.D. did he lose? Ignoring all this, a rather silly and funny "Tim Allen Vehicle" with only a few tasteless "dog-sniffing and bathroom" jokes. It plays like a fantasy so don't take it too seriously, but the use of a "Taser" several times is disturbing, as are the mutant lab animals. "Cole" the dog is terrific. Borrows the "A&C Meet Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde" premise whereby Lou Costello bits the policemen and they all turn into "Hydes". Inside joke: The "evil" doctor (Robert Downey Jr.) is named "Kozak" which is a car cleaning cloth! Vaguely suggested by "The Shaggy D.A". Kids who have never seen the original Disney film(s) will enjoy it more than us "old" critics.
starnix I actually just finished watching this movie, and was curious to see how it was rated. I am so surprised that its rated low. I had a really nice time watching it. Its funny, feel good, and I would recommend watching it with kids. I think people are taking this movie too seriously. Its a comedy about a guy turning into a dog. Its a family movie. Someone wrote something about product placement.....LMAO really? I mean unless that product is scrabble and wanting a dog, then sure. Give this movie a chance. I was having a movie watching night and gave it a try, and I certainly don't regret it. I feel happy, positive and nice after watching this. Its a little cheesy but come on guys...its Disney!
Elswet This update will not withstand the tests of time, however, it is above average and on par with other Disney updates like the Parent Trap, Flubber, Freaky Friday, My Favorite Martian, and the list goes on and on. Though none of these updates/remakes are masterpieces, they do adequately modernize their respective originals, as does this one.The trained animals are great, and the CGI ones are as realistic as any I've seen, even WITH the mutations. This, of course, isn't as charming as the original, but we were a more innocent society then, and let's face it, Tim Allen is no Fred MacMurray.As a direct reflection of our society, this update bears a little scrutiny and forgiveness.It rates a 6.8/10 from...the Fiend :.