The Shaggy Dog
The Shaggy Dog
G | 19 March 1959 (USA)
The Shaggy Dog Trailers

Through an ancient spell, a boy changes into a sheepdog and back again. It seems to happen at inopportune times and the spell can only be broken by an act of bravery....

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
AaronCapenBanner Charles Barton directed this wild Disney comedy that stars Tommy Kirk as Wilby Daniels, who comes into possession of an enchanted ring that transforms him into a big shaggy dog, which his parents(played by Fred MacMurray and Jean Hagen) can't quite believe, though his younger brother(played by Kevin Corcoran) thinks is great. When it turns out that the relative of the attractive new girl in town is really a spy, Wilby's trans-formative ability proves to be most handy at stopping him from stealing state secrets. Annette Funicello costars. Silly comedy has a good cast but beats its one joke to death far too often. Still, kids may like it.
johnstonjames this is a hoot for anyone who understands the term " a shaggy dog story" or anyone who knows folklore. first off the term "shaggy dog", means a ridiculous or exaggerated story so even the title is imaginative and clever. anyone who has delved into folklore knows all about stories of lycanthropy or the legend of the Borgia family. all of this mixed into the whole fifties "i was a teen age..." formula. the film is good laughs and not a bad excursion into contemporary folklore.i've always felt that Disney comedies like this are often underrated for their cleverness. i guess because so much of the comedy is played for dumb laughs it's hard to take it all seriously, which you're not supposed to really, because it's Disney you're supposed to enjoy and have fun.this is a great comedy, semi-horror, teen flick that actually holds up well to sophisticated screw ball comedies. a genuine argument can be made for this film that it is one of cinema's better comedies. certainly with all of it's gimmicks and effects, it's very major note here for viewers. this film was originally filmed in glorious B&W and is most effective when viewed in B&W. avoid the horrible colorized, tinted versions which disarm the effectiveness of it's nostalgia and photography.
morrison-dylan-fan Over the last few days,I've been in the mood of watching a fun family film.As I went looking at my DVDs,I spotted a film that my dad had given to me a while ago with Fred MacMurray-who I hugely enjoyed seeing in the excellent Absent-Minded Professor starring in.The plot:After having gotten back from being left behind at a local museum by his "best friend" and a new next door neighbour (who he secretly has a crush on)Wilby Daniels discovers that a strange looking ancient ring has ended up in one of his jean pockets.When he reads out the inscription on the ring,he turns into his neighbours dog!!.Due to his father saying that he will shoot any dog that comes into the house (this is because he had a lot of trouble with dogs when he was a postman.)Because of this,Wilby decides to stay with the newly-arrived neighbours.Whilst there,Daniels discovers that the neighbours are not as sweet as they seem...View on the film:Whilst the last half an hour of the film has a very entertaining Mad Mad Mad Mad World-style chase,an odd thing about the screenplay by Bill Walsh and Lillie Hayward,is that they offer no explanation as to how the neighbours dog returns when Wilby turns back into a human.Also,perhaps due to the films age,the ending (where Wilby seems pretty happy to hear that the girl he had a crush on is being sent back and questioned by the CIA!.) gives the movie's ending a surprisingly nasty taste.Although he is not given as bigger role as I would have liked,Fred MacMurray gives a good performance as Wilson Daniels,who has trouble dealing with all the crazy chaos around him.Tommy Kirk also gives a very strong performance as Wilby,by showing all the frustrations that he has to try and manage,because of his transformation.Final view on the film:A fun film for the whole family,with very good performances from MacMurray.
kai ringler This one had me laughing so hard,, i seriously cannot remember laughing so hard at a movie in a long long time,, for starters,, the look on the cop's face throughout the movie was priceless. Fred MacMurray was great a the dad,, as he had all of those years on My Three Sons. Anette Funicello was also pretty darn good in this,, i loved the dog driving through town and waving at the police officers, as he went by,, then you got the dog telling his dad that he really is his son,, and the shaking the hand bit,, just put me on the floor laughing,, i kinda wish that Hollywood would make something more like this in the future,, even if it's only once a year,, go black and white,, get back to old school, this movie was just a pure heartfelt joy to watch, and i think that everyone should at least watch this once for some good natured laughter.