The Shakiest Gun in the West
The Shakiest Gun in the West
| 10 July 1968 (USA)
The Shakiest Gun in the West Trailers

Jesse W. Haywood (Don Knotts) graduates from dental school in Philadelphia in 1870 and goes west to become a frontier dentist. Penelope "Bad Penny" Cushing (Barbara Rhoades) is offered a pardon if she will track down a ring of gun smugglers. She tricks Haywood into a sham marriage as a disguise. Haywood inadvertently becomes the legendary "Doc the Haywood" after he guns down "Arnold the Kid".

Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Scott LeBrun Don Knotts gets one of his most beloved film vehicles here with this amiable remake of the Bob Hope comedy "The Paleface". That master of nervous energy plays Jesse W. Heywood, a Philadelphia dentist in the 19th century who decides that he wants to ply his trade in the Old West. Instead, he gets mixed up with a former outlaw turned government agent (striking, fiery redhead Barbara Rhoades), whose mission is to expose the men selling rifles to the Comanches."The Shakiest Gun in the West" is a cute, if not uproarious, Western comedy. It has enough laughs, production values, and spirited performances to make it a good time. The gags (some of them recycled from "The Paleface") were never quite inspired for this viewer, but they were still worthy of some chuckles. Certainly Knotts is perfectly cast as this tenderfoot who is led to believe that he's handier in a scrap than he really is. Roles like this were his stock in trade for years. Sexy Rhoades is a very fine leading lady, and the supporting cast features a reasonable amount of familiar faces: Jackie Coogan, Don 'Red' Barry, Ruth McDevitt, Frank McGrath, Terry Wilson, Carl Ballantine, Pat "Mr. Miyagi" Morita, Dub Taylor, Dick Wilson, etc.Vic Mizzy, the regular composer for these Universal / Don Knotts comedies, comes up with appropriately goofy music, and a talented crew create a great, classic Western look for the various wacky goings-on.Good fun for Don Knotts fans.Seven out of 10.
Mike_Noga It's easy to overlook the societal importance of "Shakiest". Most academics consider it a vapid re-make of a "superior" Bob Hope film. However my consensus is that Hope's movie simply Overemphasized the comedic aspects of the story and downplayed the sociological importance and mythical underpinnings of it. I don't fault Hope since his comedic talents are such that only his fully grasping of the genre and paradigm in its epistemological sense would allow him the proper frame/reference to "dim" his comedic talents enough to let the nuances of the story's deeper meanings emerge. Not so with Don Knotts. His performance is neo-subtle in the sense that he draws attention to the pre-Scorsesian templates of story entwined with yet separated from, meaning, by overexagerating Hope's performance to a Vonnegutian level. Example; his performance as Painless Jesse in the film's opening sequences underscore the relationship of Man the Creator with Man the Destroyer and Man the Dentist. In Barb Rhoades we see an equal but lesser voice representing tenets of Post-modern imperialism as well as Proto-Schwarzeneggerian grandiosity. Yet, it is Knotts, initially passive who redeems himself in the end, triumphing over Rhoades and all she symbolizes as well as echoing the pan-universal theme of the hero transformed by "plumbing" his own depths. This is shown particularly in the mine scene, where we read "mine" as "Subconscious Id". Simply put, not sense "The Incredible Mr. Limpett" has Knotts blended Transformational Mythology with Wellesian Cinematography and Jerrylewisian slapstick. BRAVO!
MartinHafer This is one of the most surprising films I have recently seen. I first saw it as a kid and liked it. However, I saw it again recently after one of my students brought it in and asked if his 8th grade history class could watch it. Well, I figured the movie had nothing to do with the class so I made some excuses not to use it. Later in the year, we had a day just before the break and once again he asked if the class could watch it. Well, we were about to do a small unit on the real West, so I reluctantly agreed. The film turned out to be pretty helpful in discussing Hollywood myths about the old West (as it had a few like most Westerns) but I was also VERY surprised to see how much 8th graders today liked the film. This actually says something, because normally these kids would never watch an "ancient" film like this--choosing instead to watch only the latest releases. But the film held their attention and I heard a lot of laughs. It's actually better than I remembered and is far better than a lot of Don Knotts' other films (such as THE INCREDIBLE MR. LIMPET or THE APPLE DUMPLING GANG--yuck).
tfrizzell Nervous dentist Don Knotts graduates from college in Philadelphia and goes west to start his practice. He inadvertently gets embroiled with a beautiful sharpshooter (Barbara Rhodes) and some bad guys (Jackie Coogan and Don "Red" Barry). The bad guys are wanting to sell weapons and liquor to Indians for their own monetary gain. Before we know it the wide-eyed Knotts falls in the middle of all the chaotic action with would-be funny results. Knotts was never the same after he left "The Andy Griffith Show". The reason is he had lots more help in that sitcom and he only had to sustain the audience's interest for a half hour at a time. This movie plays more like a television sitcom except for the fact that it is not as funny as it should be and it fails to make the characters believable or humanistic. Basically a cheap western live-action cartoon. 2 stars out of 5.