PG | 20 November 1984 (USA)
Supergirl Trailers

After losing a powerful orb, Kara, Superman's cousin, comes to Earth to retrieve it and instead finds herself up against a wicked witch.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
SteinMo What a freaking movie. So many twists and turns. Absolutely intense from start to finish.
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Morfindel_Werwulf Have someone wondered if it would be a good movie?How she get her "Super" clothes? How Selena knew about the Phantom Zone? Mix superpowers and witchcraft seemed to someone a good story?
MovieBuffMarine Unfortunately, the Salkinds seemed to be at a point where their time at making "Super" movies was waning. Supergirl came out on the wake of the lukewarm Superman III. Other than another Superman/Kal-el sequel, the Super series of the time needed some re-boot or re-boost. Supergirl seemed like the answer, but to no avail.The good: Helen Slater in the title role seemed to bring to life Kal-el's cousin and fellow Krypton denizen, Kara with grace and natural beauty. She looked real good in the outfit and performed the feats of the character real well.It was good to see Marc Mclure reprise his Jimmy Olsen role to tie this to the Superman franchise of the time. Christopher Reeve declined for a proposed Superman cameo, so Olsen had to do for a crossover.The bad: a story that drags. We had these big names that participated: Faye Dunaway; and Peter O'Toole; plus a newcomer that brought Supergirl to life gracefully. But great players are but a small part of a bigger picture which is the story. We had these fantastic players, set against fantastic backdrops, but we went through a slow story hoping it would pick up.It never did.This was Helen Slater's shot at a movie series and super stardom as she did the role beautifully. Tri-star and WB (who regained the rights) didn't want to go forward with the Woman of Steel after its dismal performance denying her that chance. Though she still went on to other roles in Hollywood (and seemed to be successful), this one would've propelled her higher had the movie been written better resulting in bigger audiences.Helen Slater did Supergirl right, hands down. Unfortunately, the writers and everyone else behind the actors didn't do her or the film justice.
Artur Machado Only on itself this movie is a mistake of continuity: if the planet Krypton was destroyed, as it is seen in the beginning of Superman, how can there be a city of survivors? The city of Argo miraculously escaped destruction by floating through space as Zaltar invented something as a small but powerful enough ball to create a bubble enveloping the meteorite thus sustaining atmosphere. Yeah...Kara, Superman's cousin, loses this technological marvel sphere and comes to Earth to recover it, having to face a witch who has seized the sphere and uses it to her evil advantage. Helen Slater is very handsome and does her best to play the role of a sweet heroine, but the whole film is compromised by a plot once again stupid and notoriously directed at the female audience with a romance in the middle that adds nothing to the story than to ignite the envy of the witch: notoriously directed at the female audience.PS: Very conveniently, almost at the beginning of the film, a radio broadcast reveals that Superman set out on a mission to a galaxy far away...
Wuchak Released in 1984, "Supergirl" stars Helen Slater as Superman's cousin, Kara-El, in a community of Krypton survivors who lose the mysterious orb that powers their city. Kara goes to earth to recover it, masquerading as a student at a girl's school, where she meets Lois Lane's sister, Lucy (Maureen Teefy) and, later, Jimmy Olsen (Marc McClure). Peter O'Toole plays the leader of the Krypton city who is imprisoned in the Phantom Zone while Faye Dunaway plays a witch, Selena, who lives at an abandoned amusement park. When she obtains the orb she gains great diabolical power. Brenda Vaccaro and Peter Cook are on hand as her assistants while Hart Bochner plays the romantic interest of both Kara and Selena. Remember how stunning the non-CGI props/sets/effects were in the opening Krypton sequence of 1978's "Superman"? They were so good they hold up to this day. Well, you can forget that with "Supergirl." The opening sequences at "Argo City" are laughable by comparison. Furthermore, if you thought Gene Hackman was over-the-top as Lex Luthor, wait till you see Dunaway's campy portrayal of Selena. But I don't mean any disrespect for Faye since that's how her character was written and she does an exuberant job. In any case, if you can embrace these factors the movie's surprisingly enjoyable, particularly the second act when Kara comes to earth, discovers her powers, and hooks up with the girl's school. Slater had a winsome quality and, although physically beautiful, her costume wasn't made to over-emphasize it. Her beauty stems from within and the movie captures this. At the same time, the movie stresses her femininity and doesn't make her more masculine, like they did with Linda Hamilton in "Terminator 2: Judgment Day" (not that there's anything wrong with Linda in that film). The film runs 124 minutes and was shot in Chicago, Manhattan and England.GRADE: C+