Two Lovers and a Bear
Two Lovers and a Bear
| 02 October 2016 (USA)
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Set in a small town near the North Pole where roads lead to nowhere, the story follows Roman and Lucy, two burning souls who come together to make a leap for life and inner peace.

Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Zorica Despite being located in extremely cold,northern, and pretty harsh weather conditions, the story of the movie itself feels quite warm at the same time. We are given a narrative which the environment makes it rather picturesque but its setting might have been anywhere and could apply to anyone. The message of the movie is too profound - you can find it in almost every religious containing material, or even in those self-improvement books, but it does not sound cheesy. Not at all, on the contrary it feels as a new discovery, although, we, the viewers knew it all along perhaps in another meaning. As much as I try to depict it the way the film deserves, i can't really grasp it - nor should I, the movie tends to defend its message astonishingly. Try to be happy. Shit happens. Sometimes it is done to you, sometimes you are responsible for it. But no matter the circumstances, you will never lose your ground as long as you are guided by your heart. You may be disappointed by the outcome of your doings, but it's better to be disappointed by trying something you love or believe in. The two main characters are doing just that. Going right into the blizzard caused by nature, they are confronting directly their inner demons - both of them are hunted by their past. They are not without flaws, they do stupidities but their love for each other redeems them. The movie is great, even with the Romeo & Juliette ending. I especially liked the last few scenes, the shot where their frozen selves, are always holding together flying in the sky, embraced. The bear is the perfect supernatural diversion of the movie. It's not in any way forced or out of place, it fits perfect in the movie. The guy, Roman, talks to bears, he says, but it's the same bear all the time. At first I thought it's his conscience speaking, but then the other characters saw it, confirming its existence. Maybe it is his love for Lucy, his sacrifice (he doesn't want to go back south, he does it for her), his past unfortunate events that chased him out of his home, that he is chosen to be spoken to by the wild life - seven nation army couldn't hold him back. One of the first lines in the opening is the admiration of Jack White who contributes to the celebratory mood when tragedy is avoided with his big hit in the background, and it is also mentioned that if you only stop and listen, your spirits will talk to you. While drunk and scared when told she was leaving, while digging their future grave to get away from the storm, the bear always appeared, saying only truth. At first, when I saw it, I thought this was another version of "Lovers of the Arctic circle" - an amazing movie, telling of two lovers both striving to get to the Arctic, where the sun doesn't set in summer, where time doesn't exist. Something similar taken from another excellent book author Murakami, is used in this film - the same thing told in the movie ending, that time only exists as the heart percieves it.
SnoopyStyle Lucy (Tatiana Maslany) and Roman (Dane DeHaan) are a young couple living in a remote Canadian arctic outpost. Roman talks to a bear. They go out on a snowmobile trip. Stuff happens.I love the two leads and they have an intriguing chemistry. At first, I figured the bear is a hallucination. It's almost an hour in and both of them see the bear but only Roman can hear him which suggests that he's not hallucinating the bear. It's magical or delusional. Then the movie gets disjointed and there is a confused flow. Then it's all a hallucination which is kind of a relief. Then I start to wonder when the hallucinating started and I'm back to confused. I want to like this for the actors but I can't really follow this movie.
sgdptech I viewed this movie last night on Netflix, and found it to be Superb. I especially enjoyed all the free looki-loos, but more than anything I believe the Bear and the obviously troubled lives of the protagonists are what made this movie highly enjoyable. I must admit though, that the unexpected ending was very sad and had us in tears. Nonetheless, an Outstanding Movie by any measure! "Gimme a Fish!"
sanjin_9632 I can't believe I'm the second one to review this. When I started watching, I didn't know what to expect. I wasn't quite familiar with the two actors. DeHaan I knew from some supporting roles. Maslany's mostly known for her role on Orphan Black. A show I chose not to watch because I didn't like the clone angle. Essentially this is a story about two people (lovers as it says in the title) spending their days near the Arctic circle, trying to leave their past behind them. A task that proves almost impossible as the story unfolds. Darker than expected.And yeah, there's a bear. Sounds not that compelling? Well, I was pleasantly surprised.The film depends very much on the actors' performances and, to my surprise, they didn't disappoint. The chemistry is very much OK. Direction is quite good too. I think I'll watch War Witch next by the same guy. 7.3/10