The Hollow
The Hollow
NR | 07 October 2016 (USA)
The Hollow Trailers

When a U.S. congressman's daughter passing through a small town in Mississippi dies in a mysterious triple homicide, a team of F.B.I. agents descends to investigate, the team's brilliant but jaded lead agent battling demons both past and present, as his beautiful, tough-as-nails partner tries to hold him and the case together. They find a struggling and corrupt sheriff's department, a shadowy and much-feared figure, who seems to be pulling all of the town's strings from his mansion on the edge of town and a local victim with a strange connection to a number of the town's most prominent figures.

Micitype Pretty Good
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
stevenafillingane The Hollow, written, produced, and directed by Miles Doleac was, for lack of better wording, a damn good movie. This is not normally the type of movie I would seek out but believe me, if I see anything with Miles' name attached to it I will be giving it a watch.The pacing is slow but it works perfectly for this movie. The dialogue is rich and often times funny ("Cutler's dry as a bone. Thank you, Jesus") and the characters are believable with all the flaws of real people. The acting is top-notch and the story unfolds a little at a time, just enough to keep you guessing.The Hollow exposes small town corruption. Anyone who has lived in a small town can relate to this. If you live(d) in a small town and cannot then you either (A) are blind or (B) are part of the problem.Now I want to put Miles Doleac on a high pedestal for a moment. I was anxious to see how well he could act in a movie he both wrote and directed. This man is one hell of a good actor. He blew me away with his performance as the corrupt Ray Everett. This was a complex character as I both disliked him but wanted the best outcome for him in the end. Wow is all I can say right now.I've seen some harsh reviews for this movie and I truly don't understand why. To the overcritical viewers I just have to say simply, eff off. We as movie viewers desperately NEED fresh movies like this. Screw Marvel, screw D.C., screw all the needless sequels and remakes. Give me more original ideas like The Hollow and I'll be a happy camper.10/10
michaelscasey-05453 ... and I don't mean the over-exuberant reviewers claiming it was the best thing they'd ever seen. It was good. I'll say that. Coming from a similar southern town - the scenery, the accents, the corruption... they got it right. One reviewer who claimed they were too clean looking... um. Maybe some of them, but the characters Vaughn and Ray-Ray always looked in need of a shower. So... perspective, I guess. These reviews claiming it was the worst thing they'd ever seen, have obviously been living under a rock. First, the writing is NOT bad at all. I've heard similar conversations from real life people. Gritty language, responses to threats, all of the above (former law enforcement career). There was nothing odd about it. The pace... well, it's a noir... all slow build up to a predictable, last minute climax. That's what the genre does. So when you see "NOIR" in the descriptive title, you can't expect fast-paced, psychedelic, or action-packed scenes... that's just stupid on YOUR part. Predictable? The killer was a character who had never been introduced. So... again. Bad? No. The acting. Come on... William Sadler? William Forsythe? Jeff Fahey (who should have been in the movie more, IMO)? And the writer/director/producer/Ray-Ray character... Miles Doleac? These guys are terrific actors. And played these parts well. Yeah, the FBI guy was a little bit of an over-actor, but I'm really not sure where all this hatred is coming from. Troll much? That being said... I have nothing to gain or lose from this review. I, too, just like good, solid movies with a story. Not everything I see is an action fest, or a laugh-a-minute comedy. Sometimes I just like smartly made movies, of which this is one. The hateful reviews given this film are undeserved. So, grab some popcorn, a beer, and settle in to decide for yourself.
dunfincin I was toying with the idea of downloading this film yesterday and had a quick look at the reviews on this site. I found there were seven reviews, five of them extremely positive with four ratings of 10 and two others deprecating the movie in very clear terms. I don't think I have ever seen this before and whilst the film didn't particularly interest me, I decided to give it a shot. Verdict? It's not that bad, certainly watchable. The acting was good, the storyline and script comprehensible, the atmosphere nicely achieved and the characters believable. There were a number of downsides however. There was some very poor casting with two partnerships (a man and a woman in each case) of law enforcement officers introduced at different times who were so physically alike that It was impossible, for most of the film, to tell them apart so that certain scenes were very confusing. The movie also seemed somehow disjointed and gave the impression that everyone had had a few weeks holiday every now and then during the shoot or possibly they had to do some re-takes much later on. Almost impossible to feel very much for any of the characters who were by and large such flawed human beings you didn't really care what happened to them. I have seen much worse films with ratings of 4 and 5 on this site so why the huge discrepancy between the existing reviews? I strongly suspect that the maximum ratings awarded by some reviewers were given for motives which were, shall we say, other than genuine laudation. As to the less favourable reviews, I'm really not sure. Admittedly the film did not feature any down on their luck actors pretending to be comedians and entertaining us by laughing at their own inane jokes about wanking and farting. Nor were we treated to 25th century Teutonic cyborgs blowing up the scenery and even less of cold-eyed men in pastel suits demonically mowing down innocent civilians with machine guns before going back to their yachts to hand feed their pet crocodiles.Despite all these drawbacks, this is not a bad film. Not one I would probably watch again but reasonable enough if you have nothing better to do for an hour and a half.I have given it a 6 but a more accurate rating would be 5/6 in my opinion. Happy viewing to all!
pumatamer See this film! It's a modern-day noir thriller that does not disappoint! Written, directed by, and starring Miles Doleac. Fantastic performances by Callis, Forsyth, Doleac, Sadler, Seidel, and entire the supporting cast! Callis shines in this film and it is great to see him in a different kind of role too. It's beautifully shot by Ben McBurnett and worth a watch! The story revolves around a U.S. congressman's daughter passing through a who dies in a mysterious triple homicide in Mississippi. A team of FBI agents come down to investigate as they battle their own demons, past history, and crooked law enforcement officers. Produced by Lisa Bruce, Oscar nominated producer of The Theory of Everything.
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