Meet the Deedles
Meet the Deedles
PG | 27 March 1998 (USA)
Meet the Deedles Trailers

Two surfers end up as Yellowstone park rangers and have to stop a former ranger who is out for revenge.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Christer Don't waste time seeing this movie! It's not funny, the actors are bad, and there is absolutely no moral in the story! It's a waste of money and time. I'm really disappointed to see Dennis Hopper starring in this movie. I hope he donated the salary to poor people, because otherwise he shouldn't have a reason to be there! I don't understand why they made such a brainless movie! The circus animals were the best actors there! And what a bad commercial for Yellowstone national park. They should sue the producers of this movie. Who said yes to this project in the first place? They must have known this movie didn't sell... Do yourself a favour. Buy all copies of this movie and recycle it. It doesn't belong anywhere.
pennywise1031 I was a kid when I first saw it, but when it was on TV a couple years ago I realized how confusing it was because they're twins and you think both of them are equally hot, but Stew has the best hair, but Phil is better because the ranger girl wants to go out to the forest to eat worms (like the gross white maggot kinds!), but Phil put gummy worms out instead so he doesn't have to kiss a girl with worm-breath.That was the nicest thing ever!It's pretty wild how Phil Deedle grew up to become Paul Walker and the other guy was in Bubble Boy or something. Paul Walker is pretty hot and you can tell he's smart cuz he helped figure out about the P-Dogs. Petey the P-Dog was cute, but not the same way Paul Walker is!
MovieAddict2016 "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure" had a certain charm to it. A wit if you will. It chronicled the lives of deep, yet shallow-acting characters. They were entertaining to see on screen; the situations they got into even more so. But alas, there is none of this obvious humor in the most heinous rip-off of Bill and Ted to this day, "Meet the Deedles.""Meet the Deedles" was a movie made for one reason, and one reason only: To cash in on a once-was film franchise. Bill and Ted's two adventures were time-pieces; a look into the eighties. But one can see why this technique failed in the sequel, "Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey," because by then (1991) audiences had grown weary of eighties teenagers in heinous situations. Film companies should have learned then that while Bill and Ted were once good, and always will be, MORE of the same kind is tiring. They tried a lot of films in the same tradition, but they all flopped. ("Bio Dome".) The original is the only thing worth seeing again; not sequels or rip-offs, because their time has passed. But "Meet the Deedles" ignores this and gives the audience something about ten years too late for its own good. The movie's only true ambition is to create mindless slapstick and generate a series in the tradition of the ``Bill & Ted'' movies. It really does neither. The story involves twin brothers Stew and Phil Deedle (Steve Van Wormer and Paul Walker), slackers from Hawaii who find themselves in the middle of a fiendish plot to sabotage Old Faithful in Yellowstone National Park. One day Stew and Phil are hanging beneath a balloon being towed above the Hawaiian surf, while being pursued by a truant officer on a Jet Ski. When they reach ground, their millionaire father (Eric Braeden) realizes he must put a plan of his own into action: Send the two surf-bums to Camp Broken Spirit, a monthlong experience in outdoor living that will turn them into men. Through a series of truly mind-numbing and brain-tumbling actions, the Twin Deedle Dudes, who may as well be referred to as Bill and Ted, are mistaken for park ranger recruits upon their arrival at camp. They come under the command of Ranger Pine (John Ashton), and stumble onto the solution to a mysterious infestation of prairie dogs. Prairie dogs. My, oh my. Praire dogs. Where do I start? Perhaps I'll tell you why millions of them are scurrying about. It's quite simple, really. Too simple.An evil former ranger named Slater (Dennis Hopper) has trained them to burrow out a cavern around Old Faithful, allowing him to redirect the geyser's boiling waters in the direction of New Faithful, to which he plans to sell tickets. A whole lot of work when he could just use some machinery to re-route the water. But that would be too basic for a film as stupid and mindless as this. No, Slater as to have prairie dogs chew around the geyser. Truly awful.Hopper lives in his underground cavern, along with his sidekick Nemo, played by Robert Englund, Freddy of the ``Nightmare on Elm Street'' pictures. At one point he explains how he trained the prairie dogs, and I quote, ``Inject kibble into the dirt, and a-tunneling they would go.'' I never thought I would ever hear Dennis Hopper say such a thing. But he did, and I am forever scarred. While he schemes, the Deedles fumble and bumble their way through ranger training. None of these scenes are remotely funny, nor hilarious as they should have been.Yet with all this criticism, "Meet the Deedles" is also kind of fun to watch. It's so lousy that it almost comes off as original. It's worth seeing alone just for Dennis Hopper's crazy line I mentioned above. But I would not recommend you go out and rent the film; rather, wait until it is on TV.I am split between my outlook on "Meet the Deedles." It is certainly one of the worst films I have ever seen, but it is not unwatchably bad like other bad children's flicks. I saw a TV-film two years ago named "P.U.N.K.S.", and while the lousiness of it is much on the same level as "Meet the Deedles," its watchability (yes, I made up that word) differs. "Meet the Deedles" is just awful. "P.U.N.K.S." is even worse.Only watch "Meet the Deedles" if there's nothing on TV. But I don't recommend it to you as a good film, but rather an awful one. See it and witness pure stinkiness on film. Whatever it tried to steal from "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure" is not apparent. Whatever was stolen was not stolen properly. .5/5 stars (half a star).John Ulmer
corky-27 OK I admit it. I rented Meet the Deedles because my movie store gives me free old movies for every new release I rent. (I'm a Gold Club member-I rule!!!). I had narrowed my choices down to this one and that "Leonard" Cosby movie that got all those glowing reviews, but I figured what the heck, I didn't have a lot of time to watch two movies on this particular evening, so I could just FF to all of the AJ Langer parts (cos I think she's way cute) and that would be the end of it. To make a short story long, I rented Deedles. Why oh why have all the critics bludgeoned this movie? I'm sure that my sensibilities haven't left me, and I thought this silly, unpretentious kids' fluff was actually rather amusing. The Deedle boys are refreshingly inane, Freddy Krueger alarmingly inept, and AJ Langer bodaciously babealicious. So remember, next time you have to choose between oh, say, wading through all the intricacies and red herrings of "The Usual Suspects" and the mindless, fun drivel that is known as Deedlemania, think twice. Then take the Usual Suspects to the rental counter, pay the man, and walk out of the store. Of course, if you were a Gold Clubber like me (yessss!!!) you could have your suspects and deedle too. It's good to be the King. *** out of ***** on the Corkymeter. Note: Author of previous review just got his Gold Club membership from Blockbuster and hasn't been right since. Wait for revised review of "Meet the Deedles" in the near future.