In Love and War
In Love and War
PG-13 | 18 December 1996 (USA)
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After teenage ambulance driver Ernest Hemingway takes shrapnel in the leg during World War I, he falls in love with Agnes von Kurowsky, a beautiful older nurse at the hospital where he's sent to recover. Their affair slowly blossoms, until Hemingway boldly asks Agnes to be his wife and journey to America with him.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
SunnyHello Nice effects though.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Olga Zinovyeva The film "In Love and War" is full of emotions of its main characters. I really like such kind of films because of feelings during watching. As everyone knows all the events of that times are so hard and tense because of the World War I, but love has a great power. Despite on War this ate gave people the opportunity to make a very happy couple. The romance between Agness and Ernest erupts unexpectedly. And even such an independent person as Agnes that doesn't believe in love at first sight fall in love with the 18- year old boy. Actually, in the move they felt such a pure feelings to each other that makes us thinking about our habitual life. The plot of the story is deep and characterized by touching and sentimental features. Sandra Bullok in the role of Agness is so reserved, representative and unruly nurse that at first we may say that she doesn't interested in anything except her job, but when everything happens we can see that her heart is not so cold as it seems. Another main character Chris O'Donnel plays in the role of Enrest. In the movie, we can see that this 18- year old boy is an independent reporter that is also handsome, nice and confident in life. I should say that it's very impressive that such opposite people fall in love with each other. I think it help us to trust in something incredible. But even here everything can't be good. Dr. Caracciolo fell in love with a young Agness. To my mind, the only one disadvantage of this move is the absence of happy end. Such a beautiful love story does not have any good result and it made me disappointed. This film is worthy of viewing and I think it won't leave anyone indifferent.
johneberwine I have always liked Sandra Bullock as an actress; I think she can play any part, any role and make you believe she is that person being portrayed. I believe she is one of the top 3 actresses in the USA, maybe even first. I also have always been intrigued by Ernest Hemingway and his tragic suicide. I've read a few of his books over the years. So when I saw this movie coming on Cable, I thought it might be interesting.Calling this a love story does not give it justice; to call it a war story also does not give justice; It is a Romantic Tragedy, one that, "I'm sure", everyone who saw the film was hoping for Ernest to turn around and call out to Agnes at the end!!! I would have, in a split second, but Ernest's ego would not allow. How different his remaining life may have been had he just overcome his stubbornness.The old expression, "Tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all." hardly seems to fit here; I believe both Agnes and Ernest suffered painfully all the remainder of their lives because of his decision to not turn around! How sorrowful for Agnes!
stevemt If it hadn't been about Ernest Hemingway the move would have been a mediocre, quickly digested and forgotten romance. If you know anything about Hemingway the movie is basically unwatchable. Chris O'Donnel's "Hemingway" is nothing but your stereotypical, one dimensional "kid goes off to war" type and seems to bear no relation to Hemingway himself. Sandra Bullock manages to bring a little depth to her character which I am guessing was dead on the page. She earned a little respect from me in that regard.If you want to watch this movie because you are interested in the subject matter, for the love of God skip it. If you just want to watch a mindless romance and you've chosen this one because it's the most available to you at the moment, go ahead I guess, just don't feel like you've learned something from it.
Rozinda Excellently cast, poignant movie. Sandra Bullock as always shines and is given a part that lives up to her quality. Attenbrough directs with unfailing dignity and control.I know nothing of Hemingway except what this movie tells us. I've never read his work. This tender story of late-teen Hemingway in WW1 and the somewhat older nurse he falls in love with is wonderful viewing. You may wonder why she decides in the end not to marry him, but I suggest it is because he is still so very young and she's afraid he will grow bored with her after a few years. After a war, so many men have died, and there are so many surplus women vying for the attention of the men who are left. I would assume the Agnes was uncertain that she could hold him, or uncertain that he could hold her. In any case, she's rightly tempted by the doctor's offer to help run his new hospital, though I can't say I'd have thought that would make a good personal marriage as well so thank goodness it didn't really happen. Apparently, the real Ernest and Agnes did not meet again after the war although there was a little correspondence, but the movie shows Agnes visiting Ernest and finally telling him to his face that she loves him and clearly hoping the relationship will recommence. Unfortunately there has to be a reason why in the movie it can't since in real life it didn't, so Ernest is shown in a childish rage and she has to walk away, humiliated and despairing, never to see him again but saying, "I love you. I will love you for the rest of my life..." whilst he's left weeping - out of her sight. Now just suppose if she'd turned back..... I can't say I thought it would be wise for this relationship to continue - Ernest's rage is too intense, it wouldn't bode well for a marriage. He was either too immature or in some other way unsuitable to become her husband and she had been mistaken to be tempted to go back to him, so I would suggest, in the context of the movie, she had a very lucky escape. What she will think, after a while, is "Well, I've seen him. I was right the first time. It wouldn't work. This gives me closure." And she'll move on.This scene is so beautifully handled by the actors that it saddens me to have to object strongly to it being included and that's why I drop my rating from 10 to 9. In all other ways but this one unfortunate scene, this movie is a 10-star.Of course, it suits a movie maker to leave the ending bitter and hurtful to both of them, a ghastly final meeting when they are both despairing even though it's clear a reunion would have been more likely, or at least a relationship for a while, seeing they both actually seemed to want it. How frustrating this kind of scene is once you've got over the tear-jerking reaction, typical irritating aspect of movie making trying to extract every last emotion, not all that realistic sometimes.So then I looked on the internet for information re the real people. I see Agnes wrote to him explaining she had firmly decided he was too young for her and the marriage would be a mistake. That's how this movie should have ended - Bullock writing this letter and Ernest perhaps slinging it into the lake, but then rescuing it and putting it somewhere safe. And then an indication that they corresponded a little more for a while. A gentle, realistic ending that didn't humiliate either real person. But please, still go and see the movie as it's otherwise completely wonderful and if you can forget the real people you may love the finale as well.