Raging Sharks
Raging Sharks
| 01 February 2005 (USA)
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An oceanic observation station is in desperate trouble after a sudden shark attack wrecked the oxygen supply. The accompanying ship, a coast guard cruiser, and other ships in and around the Bermuda triangle are attacked as well. The US Navy sends a submarine to investigate, but soon they too are under attack.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Wuchak RELEASED TO VIDEO IN 2005 and directed by Danny Lerner, "Raging Sharks" concerns an extraterrestrial object that crash-lands in the Bermuda Triangle, which releases an alien substance that causes sharks to go crazy and attack an oceanic observatory station, beach goers and anyone else nearby. Corin Nemec plays the leader of the station and Vanessa Angel his wife, who runs the station in his absence. Corbin Bernsen appears as a wise sub commander and Todd Jensen a dubious government agent.This ain't your typical "Jaws"-copy shark flick; the plot's way more ambitious. In fact, there's well over two hours of material here crammed into an hour and a half. The production quality is akin to the usual Syfy fare but with a lot of cussing, which shows that it was released to video rather than TV.The creators must've been targeting 12-14 year-old boys because there's zero character development or suspense build-up. Something "exciting" happens every couple minutes, whether a shark attack, an explosion, a compartment flooded, someone getting knifed, shot, drowned, etc. Despite the continuous "thrilling" events to appease those with ADHD the first hour is relatively boring with zero artistic tact. Imagine if Conan the Barbarian knew how to play guitar and crudely tried to play the moving classic "Stairway to Heaven." That's a good description of this movie as it freely borrows from several sci-fi and shark films to barbarically fashion its own adolescent action flick.Thankfully, the last act finally delivers some genuine excitement and suspense, which is the main reason my grade is as high as it is. Plus Elise Muller as "Vera" is showcased effectively in a couple of scenes, but they could've done a lot better considering the female resources at their disposal. So, this is a bad movie, but the final act is impressively kinetic and entertaining, as far as action-oriented sci-fi goes. Too bad it's such a challenge to make it that far.THE MOVIE RUNS 93 minutes and was shot in Sofia, Bulgaria. WRITER: Les Weldon.GRADE: C
Paul Andrews Raging Sharks starts in outer space as some alien spaceship collides with another, two aliens on-board escape in a small pod thing & crash land on Earth in the Ocean right bang in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle. Jump forward five years & an underwater scientific research laboratory called the Oceania is conducting experiments in the area when they notice an increase in Shark numbers & activity. While diving outside two of the crew are attacked & killed by the Sharks which then bite through the power cables & oxygen supply rendering the laboratory crippled & those left inside trapped underwater, surrounded by killer Sharks & their air supply quickly running out. Help comes in the form of a US submarine which for some reason isn't equipped to carry out an underwater rescue, are the scientists in the Oceania doomed or can they find a way escape a watery grave?This straight-to-video Bulgarian American co-production is yet another awful Nu Image Films 'Creature Feature' about killer Sharks, co-produced & directed by Danny Lerner this is one truly terrible film. Raging Sharks isn't even in the dubious 'so bad it's good' category, nope it's just plain so bad it's very painful to watch. The script is awful, it starts off like some cheap alien film set in outer space but then when it switches to Earth things just go from bad to worse, if the US government knew that a spaceship crash landed in the Ocean why couldn't they find it? Didn't they have radar? Wouldn't they have used radar to know of it's existence in the first place? In the space of five years they couldn't have searched the area? Initially I thought the Bermuda Triangle setting was going to lead to something but it quite literally never does, why emphasise the fact that your film is set in this notorious region & yet make absolutely nothing out of it? How were the Sharks controlled? Why weren't other sea creatures under the same control? If they were merely protecting the alien pod why did they attack that beach? Why hadn't they attacked anyone or any boats within the last five years? If a potentially world changing new source of fuel is discovered by the US do you think they would send one single guy to get it? Wouldn't they like send in the entire Navy? Why wasn't that submarine equipped for an underwater rescue when everyone knew that's exactly what needed to happen? Why did it suddenly catch fire & all the doors jam? Why is the ending so bad? How did those two scientists survive being blown up with the laboratory? How could she stay underwater for so long without breathing gear & yet survive? I could go on all day, these are just some of the general problems with the plot but there are loads of individual scenes which make no sense & are just plain stupid. Even die hard 'Creature Feature' fans might have a hard time sitting through this one, I know I did.As well as being conceptually terrible Raging Sharks is technically terrible too, this is one of the worst edited films ever with really almost all of the Shark attacks achieved with the sue of stock footage inter-cut with the actor's so the Sharks & actor's very rarely appear on screen together & the same piece of footage is used over & over again. I must also say that the Sharks in this film growl & roar like Lions or Tigers which is plainly just absurd & makes the already pathetic attack scenes unintentionally funny. The gore is minimal with some bloody water & nowt else. Apparently a lot of the Shark attack footage was lifted from other Nu Image Films including Shark Attack 2 (2001) & Shark Attack 3: Megalodon (2002) which is probably why the editing looks so choppy & the scenes so disjointed.Obviously shot on a low budget Raging Sharks is set in Bermuda but was filmed in Sofia in Bulgaria & it shows. The 'star' names in the cast are Vanessa Angel & Corben Bernsen who both obviously needed the money.Raging Sharks is a terrible film & it's as simple & straight forward as that, even as far as rubbishy 'Creature Features' go Raging Sharks is terrible. Not even good in a bad way, one to avoid.
manni-klaps we watched this film because we had nothing to do else, though we knew that this film must be cruel. but we didn't expect kind of barking sharks, wires falling down under water with the speed of falling on land, talking divers though used a normal mouthpiece instead of a full face mask. And in the scene, when the navy aircraft lands on water, the sea is flat, the sun shines and you can see land. but the whole beginning of the film there is storm and bad weather and no land anywhere. the story could be from a better porn film, the actors, too. they seem to be porn stars. in future i will see more of these films. i like it. was much fun. you needn't listen to the story. great. euch noch nen schönen tag. lg bis dahin manni
dreamrot OK, don't get me wrong here, this is an awful movie. Awful story. Awful acting. Yet AWFULLY entertaining! Yeah? See what I did there? It's aliens, sharks, a thermos full of orange goo and Parker Lewis. How can you lose on this one? I don't know what it was about this movie, but, for as awful as it was, it was strangely entertaining. It made zero sense, but was fun to watch. Think SciFi Channel on a Saturday afternoon. It's that kind of entertaining. Keep in mind before watching it though, that it's going to suck. If you can shut your brain off for a minute and enjoy the (repeating) bits of stock footage, you might just get a few (unintentional) laughs out of it.
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