Hollywood Homicide
Hollywood Homicide
PG-13 | 09 June 2003 (USA)
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Joe Gavilan and his new partner K. C. Calden, are detectives on the beat in Tinseltown. Neither one of them really wants to be a cop, Gavilan moonlights as a real estate broker, and Calden is an aspiring actor moonlighting as a yoga instructor. When the two are assigned a big case they must work out whether they want to solve the case or follow their hearts.

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
Wordiezett So much average
Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
oragex If it wasn't for the exact last five minutes - when the bad guy is catch/killed , I would have gave this a nice 7/10 and recommend it.It is not up to the Beverly Hills Cop entertainment level, but it was pleasant enough. Ford was excellent in the role, not the best character, but consistent and definitely up to the task, more than any other of his films since Indiana and SW. Josh Hartnett acting is decent and acceptable, so is the directing for most of the characters.Speaking of characters, the bad guys are all black rappers. Yep, 2003 Now why is this movie a disaster? Because exactly 5 min. before the end, someone took the film rolls , pile them up and started to hatch them up. The worst 'bad' guy is an horrible actor, the worst choice among otherwise some fine and lively characters in the movie. But the insult here is the final physical fight. I have never seen this other than in a Van Damme film (but much better acted). A final fight in the pure tradition of WWE with all the fake kicks, moans and stuff, all clearly visible and clearly played up. B series movies do this better.Oh, and a 70 million production cost for such type of film?
blanche-2 I actually thought this film was pretty funny. I love Harrison Ford, and here he stars in "Hollywood Homicide" as a cop/real estate broker. The film also features Josh Hartnett as his partner/fledgling actor, Lena Olin, Bruce Greenwood, Isaiah Washington, Keith David, Dwight Yoakam, Lolita Davidovich, Martin Landau, Master P, Lou Diamond Phillips, Gladys Knight, Smokey Robinson, Kurupt, Dre, with a cameo by Eric Idle, and also Robert Wagner. Detective Joe Gavilan (Ford) and his young partner Kasey Calden (Hartnett) are assigned to a club slaying of a group of rappers. This brings them into the underside of the recording industry. Meanwhile, Gavilan is desperate to sell a house to get out of debt; later he tries to get the listing on the home of a producer (Martin Landau) in order to sell it.His partner Kasey, whose father was a cop, isn't sure police work is for him. In fact, he's mounting a production of Streetcar in which he plays Stanley, and goes around practicing "STELLAAA".The character of Gavilan is based on Robert Souza, a LAPD detective who also worked as a real estate broker ten years before retirement. The scene cuffed crook steals the gun from a patrol officer's belt and starts shooting it off in the parking lot actually happened during Souza's tenure.I thought the chase scene, with Gavilan commandeering cabs, stealing bikes and whatever, was very funny, and the production of Streetcar was a good touch. Practically speaking, I know in New York City police officers can draw their guns in the city proper but are not allowed to use them because of pedestrians. I can't believe they don't have the same law in Los Angeles, yet every time I see a crime movie set there, people are standing on the street shooting off guns. This one was no different.This is just a light comedy. Take it as such, and you'll enjoy it.
Python Hyena Hollywood Homicide (2003): Dir: Ron Shelton / Cast: Harrison Ford, Josh Hartnett, Martin Landau, Lena Olin, Bruce Greenwood: A film so dumb that it is enough to make a person slam their head in a door frame a dozen times and jump naked on an ant hill. Title refers to double lifestyles as Harrison Ford plays a cop who sells houses on the side, and Josh Hartnett is a rookie cop who instructs his own yoga class and desires to be an actor. Plot regards the nightclub shooting of an entire rap group. This all climaxes with mindless violence where Ford dons a pink bicycle to pursue a suspect, and Hartnett takes possession of a van with a terrified family inside. Horrible directing by Ron Shelton who made the underrated Dark Blue. Ford and Hartnett have fine chemistry that works to a comic affect as their lives are interrupted by this case. For Ford this is a major step down after starring in a long list of successes. Supporting roles are a list of talented actors who will no doubt get over the fact that they appeared in this film. Martin Landau is featured when Ford attempts to sell a house but the role is beneath him. Lena Olin is embarrassing as a psychic. She too is capable of better as she demonstrated in The Ninth Gate. And Bruce Greenwood is not exactly stretching himself as a lieutenant. Well made yet gutless action farce that should have a man-hole cover dropped on it. Score: 2 / 10
FlashCallahan When not solving murders in Hollywood, Detective Joe Gavilan and his rookie partner Kasey Calden both moonlight in other fields Gavilan sells real estate, and Calden aspires to become an actor. Assigned to the vicious in-club slaying of a promising young rap act, the two detectives delve into the recording industry where they hope to find answers - ideally ones that also come with property buyers or auditions......The problem with this film is that it cannot decide what it wants to be. Yes it's funny in places, but so is The Fifth Element (random I know) and I wouldn't class it as a comedy.It's a mishmash of different genres, drama, thriller, hip hop type drama, and action rolled into one. Or the little sub-genre I call 'the time when Ford tried to get down with the kids'.And this is all it is, Ford trying to get his mojo back after a string of flops with a Rap music background and a hot young co-star (think Exit Wounds).And for the most part, it works, Ford is great as he has this 'I don't care anymore' attitude that makes home endearing.Hartnett is okay and the rest of the cast are forgettable. Story wise it's all over the place, and Shelton should know better, Dark Blue was a great movie.So all in all, it's not good by any means, but curiously watchable.
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